the new era of digital advocacy

THE NEW ERA OF DIGITAL ADVOCACY How businesses can use digital - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

THE NEW ERA OF DIGITAL ADVOCACY How businesses can use digital tools to seize opportunities, conquer challenges and win 1 Global digital trends Technology has changed how we shop, bank and share ideas. Its also changed how public opinion

  1. THE NEW ERA OF DIGITAL ADVOCACY How businesses can use digital tools to seize opportunities, conquer challenges and win 1

  2. Global digital trends Technology has changed how we shop, bank and share ideas. It’s also changed how public opinion and policy is made. 2

  3. A decade ago, a webpage was enough. Today, communications must be strategic, integrated, visual and data-driven. Dial-up & Commercial Mobile Defense & Smart AOL CDs Internet & Social Tech Academic 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 AOL Internet of Alexa iPhone Microsoft Email Facebook Things Google Amazon Personal Virtual Cord Computer Twitter Reality cutters 3

  4. Yet, business remains slow to bridge from legacy media to digital 4

  5. U.S. ad spending over invested in legacy media, missing opportunity in mobile 40% Under invested Over invested 0% TV Internet Mobile Print Radio % of total ad spend % of total media consumption Source: “Internet Trends 2016,” Mary Meeker, KCPB 5

  6. Digital transformation is just beginning to take hold in business operations Media & entertainment Retail 60% say digital adoption High tech has not reached the Healthcare mainstream in their Travel & logistics industry Telecom Professional services Financial services Automotive & assembly Consumer packaged goods 0% 100% No change, minor changes or some core change Digital reaching mainstream 60% 40% Source: McKinsey & Co 6

  7. “ Bold, tightly integrated digital strategies will be the biggest differentiator between companies that win and companies that don’t.” McKinsey & Co., 2017 7

  8. New era of business advocacy 15 years ago: Business groups built web pages and 1 rudimentary email newsletters Then the social, mobile era: The distance between a 2 voter and lawmaker now the click of a smartphone Now, business must respond: The technology is 3 available and being used by the opposition 8

  9. Converting strangers into activists We use digital tools to run advocacy campaigns that serve a business objective. Activ ivate Communic unicate Organi nize ze to influence to identify to build policymakers advocates coalitions 9

  10. Campaigns that drive action We create a user experience that is seamless, clean and modern across all digital channels . Branding Websites Advertising Social Email 10

  11. Data to deliver personalized messages Behind the scenes, we collect data that allows us to send custom content at the right time, on the right device and in the right channel . 11

  12. Is your website custom built to drive action on mobile & social? No Yes 12

  13. Is your email a text-heavy newsletter? Or an alert 562 words that drives = 3 screens action? Newsletter Action 13

  14. Are you using digital advertising to identify & communicate with new advocates? We used Facebook advertising to grow page likes for an advocacy campaign to 20,000 within nine months, then turned that audience 20,000 into storytellers for our cause 0 July March 14

  15. Case studies 15

  16. 5 questions to ask yourself What are you doing now for digital advocacy? 1 Is it built for the past? Or the future? 2 Are you engaging employees, members, supporters? How do you know? 3 Are you leading or following your opposition or competitors? 4 What's holding you back? Mindset, resources, expertise? 5 16

  17. How we can help Dig igit ital al Audit it Review website traffic, social media analytics, email list and deliver recommendations on next steps So Socia ial l Media ia Audit it Analyze the existing conversation happening on social media about your company, industry or issue 17

  18. Our digital team 18

  19. One more thing … If you aren’t actively advocating for yourself online, the opposition is hosting a one-sided conversation with your employees, members and supporters. 19


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