proposal for asbestos in soil working

Proposal for Asbestos in Soil Working Group Simon Cole - AECOM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Network for Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable Land Management in Europe Proposal for Asbestos in Soil Working Group Simon Cole - AECOM Why? Raised as a potential new WG at Amsterdam workshop in November 2016 A challenging and common

  1. Network for Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable Land Management in Europe Proposal for Asbestos in Soil Working Group Simon Cole - AECOM

  2. Why? • Raised as a potential new WG at Amsterdam workshop in November 2016 • A challenging and common contaminant • High interest, risk driver, high cost • Risk perception vs sustainable management • Numerous local research and guidance initiatives • Little harmonisation in approaches? • Nicole well placed to provide a pan-European view • Chance to identify/connect initiatives? 2 vs-2016-4

  3. Objectives • Compare and contrast current industry approaches, regulatory positions and quality and availability of existing guidance in European Countries as an initial “baselining” exercise to help identify significant differences and opportunities for harmonisation • Improve awareness and understanding in managing the risks of asbestos in soil (considering it’s occurrence both 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 on its own and as a co-contaminant with other chemical and organic pollutants) by advocating a pragmatic approach and promoting greater consistency where possible 3 vs-2016-4

  4. Scope • collate information on ,and benchmarking of current methods , standards and guidance for the characterisation, risk assessment, remediation and regulation of asbestos in soils that are currently adopted by industry and regulators in European Countries • identify how asbestos contaminated soils (including those also contaminated with other organic/ chemical pollutants) are currently remediated in different countries considering different treatment technologies and the availability (or otherwise) of appropriate disposal/ treatment facilities (e.g. identify where these facilities are) • identify research needs that can support a less precautionary approach where appropriate identify existing research initiatives, and develop a gap analysis for research • proposals identify existing case studies or potential case studies that can improve • confidence in risk management decisions and in developing best practice 4 vs-2016-4

  5. Not in Scope • Naturally occurring asbestos • Occupational risk (2003/18/EC) • Asbestos in buildings 5 vs-2016-4

  6. Added value • Asbestos is a problematic ground contaminant in terms of scientific uncertainty, public perception, and limitations in regulation • Currently no unified European perspective and little visibility on European good practice/experience • Opportunity for NICOLE work to be valued by regulators and industry 6 vs-2016-4

  7. Programme 1 st WG Present review of TBC – presentation European approaches, and meeting overview with opportunities for Fall 2017/ opportunities for pragmatism Spring 2018? harmonisation/ further research/ gap analysis 2 nd WG Present research review TBC – presentation on gap and gap analysis, along meeting filling with supporting case Fall 2018/ 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 studies Spring 2019? 3 rd WG Prepare paper TBC - Summarise output summarising the findings meeting and promote publication of of the WG as a standalone Fall 2019/ final technical paper technical report Spring 2020? 7 vs-2016-4

  8. Links • UK Joint Industry Working Group & CL:AIRE • UK Society for Brownfield Risk Assessment • Australian Land and Groundwater Association (ALGA) Special Interest Group in Asbestos in Soil • Special session on excavated soils (co-hosted by BRGM and CL:AIRE) at AquaConsoil Lyon 2017 • Ongoing research efforts into soil testing and real- time monitors • Other academic links…? 8 vs-2012-1

  9. Supporters/Sponsors • Frank Evans – National Grid • Caroline Dionisi – EDF • Paul van Riet – Dow Chemicals • Jean-Louis Seveque – AquaTerraSana • Rick Parkman – AECOM • Lucia Buve – Umicore • Guido de Jong – Port of Rotterdam • Others…? 9 vs-2012-1

  10. Network for Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable Land Management in Europe Thank you for your attention vs-2016-4 10


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