normal and unimodular hierarchical models

Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models Daniel Irving Bernstein - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models Daniel Irving Bernstein and Seth Sullivant North Carolina State University October 3,

  1. Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models Daniel Irving Bernstein and Seth Sullivant North Carolina State University October 3, 2015 Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 1 / 19

  2. Example Let T be the following 3 × 2 × 2 table front back     1 1 2 1 2 0 1 3     3 1 0 2 If we sum entries going down, we get the 2-way margin below. If we sum entries going left and back, we get the 1-way margin below.  5  � 3 � 6 6   6 2 6 We are interested in the matrix that maps tables to margins Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 2 / 19

  3. Main Definition d = ( d 1 , d 2 , . . . , d n ) is an integer vector, d i ≥ 2 C denotes a simplicial complex on [ n ] facet( C ) denotes the inclusion-maximal faces of C Definition Let A C , d be the matrix defined as follows: Columns are indexed by elements of � n i =1 [ d i ] Rows are indexed by � � j ∈ F [ d j ] F ∈ facet( C ) Entry in row ( F , ( j 1 , . . . , j k )) and column ( i 1 , . . . , i n ) is 1 if i | F = ( j 1 , . . . , j k ) All other entries are 0 Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 3 / 19

  4. Example Let n = 3 with d 1 = 3 , d 2 = 2 , d 3 = 2 1 2 3 Let C be the complex Then A C , d is the following matrix: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1  2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2  1 { 1 } , 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     { 1 } , 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0     { 1 } , 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1         { 2 , 3 } , 11  1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0    { 2 , 3 } , 12  0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0      { 2 , 3 } , 21 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0   { 2 , 3 } , 22 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 4 / 19

  5. Motivating Question Definition (Unimodularity) Assume A ∈ Z d × n has full row rank. We say that A is unimodular if all nonsingular d × d submatrices have determinant ± 1. Definition (Normality) We say that A ∈ Z d × n is normal if Z A ∩ R ≥ 0 A = N A . This is a weaker condition than unimodularity. Question When is A C , d unimodular? When is it normal? Observation If A C , d is unimodular/normal, then so is A C , (2 ,..., 2) . Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 5 / 19

  6. Our Results Our results include: Necessary and sufficient conditions on C guaranteeing unimodularity of A C , 2 Progress towards a similar classification for normal A C , 2 Note We abuse language and say that a simplicial complex C is unimodular/normal to mean that A C , (2 ,..., 2) is unimodular/normal. Applications include: Integer programming Disclosure limitation Compute Markov basis via toric fiber product (Rauh-Sullivant 2014) Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 6 / 19

  7. Unimodularity-Preserving Operations Definition (Adding a cone vertex) If C is a simplicial complex on [ n ], define cone( C ) to be the complex on [ n + 1] with facets facet(cone( C )) = { F ∪ { n + 1 } : F ∈ facet( C ) } . Definition (Adding a ghost vertex) If C is a simplicial complex on [ n ], define G ( C ) to be the simplicial complex on [ n + 1] that has exactly the same faces as C . Definition (Alexander Duality) If C is a simplicial complex on [ n ], then the Alexander dual complex C ∗ is the simplicial complex on [ n ] with facets facet( C ∗ ) = { [ n ] \ S : S is a minimal non-face of C} . Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 7 / 19

  8. Unimodularity: Constructive Classification Definition We say that a simplicial complex C is nuclear if it satisfies one of the following: 1 C = ∆ k for some k ≥ − 2 (i.e. a simplex) 2 C = ∆ m ⊔ ∆ n (i.e. a disjoint union of simplices) 3 C = cone( D ) where D is nuclear 4 C = G ( D ) where D is nuclear 5 C is the Alexander dual of a nuclear complex. Theorem (B-Sullivant 2015) The matrix A C is unimodular if and only if C is nuclear. Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 8 / 19

  9. Simplicial Complex Minors Definition (Deletion) Let C be a simplicial complex on [ n ]. Let v ∈ [ n ] be a vertex of C . Then C \ v denotes the induced simplicial complex on [ n ] \ { v } . Definition (Link) Let C be a simplicial complex on [ n ]. Let v ∈ [ n ] be a vertex of C . Then link v ( C ) denotes the simplicial complex on [ n ] \ { v } with facets facet(link v ( C )) = { F \ { v } : F is a facet of C with v ∈ F } . Definition (Simplicial Complex Minor) Let C , D be simplicial complexes. If D can be obtained from C by taking links of vertices and deleting vertices, then we say that D is a minor of C . Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 9 / 19

  10. Unimodularity: Excluded Minor Classification Theorem (B-Sullivant 2015) The matrix A C is unimodular if and only if C has no simplicial complex minors isomorphic to any of the following ∂ ∆ k ⊔ { v } , the disjoint union of the boundary of a simplex and an isolated vertex O 6 , the boundary complex of an octahedron, or its Alexander dual O ∗ 6 The four simplicial complexes shown below Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 10 / 19

  11. Sketch of Proof C nuclear = ⇒ C unimodular Simplices are unimodular A disjoint union of two simplices is unimodular Adding cone and ghost vertices and taking duals preserves unimodularity C unimodular = ⇒ C avoids forbidden minors The forbidden minors are not unimodular Taking minors preserves unimodularity C avoids forbidden minors = ⇒ C nuclear If C avoids the forbidden minors but has a 4-cycle, then it must be an iterated cone over the 4-cycle. This is nuclear. So focus on 4-cycle-free complexes. Then the 1-skeleton is either a complete graph, or two complete graphs glued along a clique. Complex induction argument based on the link of a vertex of C . Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 11 / 19

  12. Next Steps - Unimodularity Question Given a simplicial complex C on [ n ] and an integer vector d = ( d 1 , . . . , d n ) with d i ≥ 2, is A C , d unimodular? Corollary (B-Sullivant 2015) If A C , d is unimodular, then C is nuclear. Question Let C and d be specified by the figure below. For which values of p and q is A C , d unimodular? 3 p 2 q Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 12 / 19

  13. Known Classification Results - Normality Theorem (Sullivant 2010) If C is a graph, then A C , 2 is normal if and only if C is free of K 4 -minors. Theorem (Bruns, Hemmecke, Hibi, Ichimc, Ohsugi, Kpped, Sgera 2007-2011) Let C be a complex whose facets are all m − 1 element subsets of [ m ] . Then A C , d is normal in precisely the following situations up to symmetry: 1 At most two of the d v are greater than two 2 m = 3 and d = (3 , 3 , a ) for any a ∈ N 3 m = 3 and d = (3 , 4 , 4) , (3 , 4 , 5) or (3 , 5 , 5) . Theorem (Rauh-Sullivant 2014) Let C be the four-cycle graph. Then A C , d is normal if d = (2 , a , 2 , b ) or d = (2 , a , 3 , b ) with a , b , ∈ N . Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 13 / 19

  14. Corollary of Unimodular Classification Definition Let C be a simplicial complex on [ n ]. We say a facet of C that has n − 1 vertices is called a big facet . Proposition If C is a complex with a big facet, then C is normal if and only if unimodular. So our classification result on unimodular C immediately gives a classification of the normal C when C has a big facet. Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 14 / 19

  15. Normality Preserving Operations Theorem (Sullivant 2010) Normality of A C , d is preserved under the following operations on the simplicial complex 1 Deleting vertices 2 Contracting edges 3 Gluing two simplicial complexes along a common face 4 Adding or removing a cone or ghost vertex. Theorem (B-Sullivant 2015) Normality of A C , d is preserved when taking links of vertices of C . Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 15 / 19

  16. Minimally Non-Normal Simplicial Complexes Question Which simplicial complexes are minimally non-normal with respect to the operations of deleting vertices, contracting edges, gluing two complexes along a facet, removing cone and ghost vertices, and taking links of vertices? Computational method: All simplicial complexes on 3 or fewer vertices are normal Choose two normal simplicial complexes C , D on n − 1 vertices. Create simplicial complex C ′ on n vertices by attaching a new vertex v to C such that link v ( C ′ ) = D See if (non)normality of C ′ can be certified by reducing to a smaller complex via our normality-preserving operations If not, check normality of C ′ using Normaliz. If non-normal, then minimally non-normal Daniel Irving Bernstein Normal and Unimodular Hierarchical Models October 3, 2015 16 / 19


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