no one dislikes a person whose story they know

No one dislikes a person whose story they know. ~~Meg Wheatley - PDF document

2014-10-08 No one dislikes a person whose story they know. ~~Meg Wheatley Plan for Presentation !! Introduce: Dialogic / Story Telling Approach: Appreciative Inquiry Present: 2 - Insights 8 - Assumptions 1 - Take Away. Wish: You

  1. 2014-10-08 “No one dislikes a person 
 whose story they know.” 
 ~~Meg Wheatley 
 Plan for Presentation !! Introduce: Dialogic / Story Telling Approach: Appreciative Inquiry Present: 2 - Insights 8 - Assumptions 1 - Take Away. Wish: You will weave story telling into your work to strengthen your current practice. 1

  2. 2014-10-08 Focus of Evaluation for the purposes of: the systematic investigation of the quality of programs, projects, subprograms, subprojects, and/or an of their components or elements, together or singly for the purposes of decision making, judgments, conclusion, findings , new knowledge, organizational development, and capacity building in response to the needs of identified stakeholders. Evaluation as cited in the JCSEE Program Evaluation Standards (2011) by Yarbrough, Shulha, Hopson and Caruthers 1995 70% of Change Projects are Unsuccessful ~~John Kotter. 2

  3. 2014-10-08 2008 McKinsey & Company conducted a global study on success rates of change projects with 1600+ CEOs 2008 Still …70% are unsuccessful The Inconvenient Truth About Change Management Why it isn’t working and what to do about it. ~~McKinsey & Company Article 3

  4. 2014-10-08 Appreciative Inquiry 
 in a Nutshell David Cooperrider Fairmount Minerals Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. Faculty Director at the Center for B usiness as an A gent of W orld B enefit. � Might it be that the methods we use determine what we find? � Circa 1984 4

  5. 2014-10-08 Culture is formed by the Positive Image � Positive Action stories we tell ourselves about ourselves . � We have reached the end of problem solving as a mode of inquiry capable of inspiring and sustaining human system change. The future belongs to methods that a ffi rm, compel, and accelerate learning while including the voices of all the people who will be a ff ected by the change. � ~~ David Cooperrider 5

  6. 2014-10-08 Hunter Douglas Case Study Hunter Douglas Video Appreciative Inquiry Case Study (3 minute video) v=eLOM4kxOO_Q 6

  7. 2014-10-08 2 Insights Insight(#1:(( The$story$$STARTS$the$change$$ S tories$ (Inquiry)$ T ogether$ S top$&$ make$ Reflect$ meaning$ A ssess$/$ T ake$ Adjust$ Ac?on$ Mindset$ R eframe$ Mental$ Model$ 7

  8. 2014-10-08 � Storytelling has the power to transform change resistant organizations. ��� ~~Steve Denning Noboru Kitahama Street Kids Ghana Google Images Ghana Street Kids Tell me a story of a time when you felt really happy living in the streets. 8

  9. 2014-10-08 Street Kids Ghana Google Images Ghana Street Kids � Without shedding some of their own assumptions, the interviewers would find it nearly impossible to meet each street child on his or her own terms and then accept that child as he or she is in order to learn more. ��������� ~~ Mette Jacobsgaard Insight # 2: Power of Reframing 9

  10. 2014-10-08 It’s not about ignoring the negative. It’s not about It’s all about seeing the world di ff erently 
 ignoring the negative. validating and reframing 10

  11. 2014-10-08 Chronic Pain Analysis On a scale of 1 to 10, describe your comfort level? If comfort level decreased: What has helped in the past to increase your comfort? Focusing on what you want to have more of INSTEAD of what you don � t want ! A ffi rmative Inquiry Focus Deficit Issues Focus ! ! ! High motivation Low morale ! ! Safe & inclusive school Bullying ! ! Creating an exceptional Lost luggage ! arrival experience ! ! Creating brilliant customer Customer dissatisfaction ! experiences ! ! !! 11

  12. 2014-10-08 8 Assumptions 8 Assumptions of AI 1. In every society, organization or group something works. 2. What we focus on becomes our reality - organizations move in the direction of what they study and inquire into. 12

  13. 2014-10-08 8 Assumptions of AI 3. Reality is created in the moment and there are multiple realities. 4. The act of asking questions of an organization or a group or an individual influences them in some way. 8 Assumptions of AI 5. People will have more confidence and comfort to journey into the future (unknown) when they carry forward parts of the past (known). 6. If we carry forward parts of the past they should be the best parts. Bring our luggage NOT our baggage . 13

  14. 2014-10-08 8 Assumptions of AI 7. The language we use creates our reality. 8. It is important to value di ff erences . Practical Examples of Weaving AI into Work 14

  15. 2014-10-08 Examples Employee Engagement Summit Creating Brilliant Customer Experiences 250 participants for 2.5 days Post Summit: everyone conducted 5 interviews with colleagues in di ff erent departments and functions. Within 3 weeks, 43% of 3,500 person organization engaged in sharing stories & creating new ideas for improving customer service (Summer 2008) 8 months later (Spring 2009) 2 nd summit Additional 250 employees brought together for 2.5 days. 15

  16. 2014-10-08 CLBC Community Action Employment Initiative 720 interviews conducted in 30 communities across BC (pre-summit); 160 self advocates, funders, service providers & other stakeholders came together for a 2 day summit to create recommendations & begin to develop action plans. CLBC Community Action Employment Plan – 2013 to 2015 (Link to the report is in the AI Resource handout) 16

 2014-10-08 School Board – Service Excellence 453 Pre-Summit Interviews (10% of sta ff + 135 students + 40 parents) 2 day Summit (Students, teachers, admin, support, parents & community partners) Six Qualities of Service Excellence: Culture of Care Recognized & Valued Individualized Care Collaboration & Communication Above & Beyond Action: Start to Finish When the best leader’s work is done, the people say: 
 “We did it ourselves!” ~~ Lao-tsu 17

  18. 2014-10-08 Welcome to Kindergarten Parent Evening June 2013 Results from student survey on what they love about being in kindergarten Naismith Welcome to Kindergarten (WTK) June 2013: Parent Interview Questions - Survey 1. Describe a time when your child was really engaged in or excited about an activity. What was happening and what made it a special moment? 2. Tell us about a � star � moment from your WTK experience at Naismith. 3. If you had three wishes for your child � s first week as a Naismith student, what would they be? 18

  19. 2014-10-08 School Initiated Student Evaluation Fall 2013 Conducted interviews with 46 grade • 4 & 5 students Sta ff used student voice to create • commitments & measures Spring 2014 Students assessed school actual • performance against commitments Meaning making completed by sta ff , • actions incorporated into 2014/15 school success plans Fall 2014 • School success plans implemented • Plan to recycle through process. 1 Take away 19

  20. 2014-10-08 Take(Away $ A.I.R.(Framework( A pprecia2ng(&( learning(from(the( PAST(( (Con?nuity)$ R eleasing( I magine(an( the(energy(to( ideal(FUTURE(( take(ac2on( NOW( (Novelty ) ( (Transi?on)$ Framework by Maureen McKenna Parenting What you focus on … you get more of 20

  21. 2014-10-08 Fixing Problems? Building Relationships? Coaching for Performance Invitation to share stories of the past and of the future …. � While hard data may inform the intellect, it is largely soft data that generates wisdom. They may be di ffi cult to � analyze, � but they are indispensable for � synthesis � – the key to strategy making. � ~~Professor Henry Mintzberg, McGill University 21

  22. 2014-10-08 Thank you to David Cooperrider, Jane Magruder Watkins and the international Appreciative Inquiry community for generously sharing their knowledge, ideas and resources. I am grateful to be part of this vibrant community – focusing on the triple bottom line: People, Planet and Profit Contact Information: Maureen (Mo) McKenna 416-921-3204 $$ $ 22

  23. 2014-10-08 Table Group !! In groups of 3 or 4, reflect on the morning presentations … How might you weave storytelling into your work? OR if you use storytelling How are you currently weaving storytelling into your work? Be prepared to share one insight or practice “If$not$us,$who?$$$ $ $ $ $ $If$not$now,$when?” $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~~Annon. Personal Reflection: What is one small change or action that you will take as a result of participating in this session? 23


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