news flash phoenix metro region is first community in the

News FlashPhoenix-Metro Region is first community in the US to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

News FlashPhoenix-Metro Region is first community in the US to ELIMINATE Chronic Veteran Street Homelessness! Why Vets May Experience Chronic Homelessness Resource Rich but Warrior Ethos Substance Use Physical

  1. “News Flash…Phoenix-Metro Region is first community in the US to ELIMINATE Chronic Veteran Street Homelessness!

  2. Why Vets May Experience Chronic Homelessness � “Resource Rich” but… � Warrior Ethos � Substance Use � Physical Injury/Medical � Physical Injury/Medical � Psychological & Trauma � Isolation � Veteran “Culture” � Discharge, Combat Experience, Tours, etc. � Etc. �

  3. Chronically Homeless Vets that Community/Cops see � Long term � Behavioral Health Need Common � Tri-Morbidity � Disconnected from formal “treatment system” Disconnected from formal “treatment system” � Culture of Chronically Homeless Individuals: � System Barriers � Long history of not successfully engaging/seeking services �

  4. Traditional Responses & Barriers = Revolving Door - Services � Phoenix Area � Rich Veteran & Crisis Services, & Homeless Shelters, etc. but not much “outcome” with this population . � System: Commonly tends to work those: � System: Commonly tends to work those: � More “motivated” � Less “complex” � Guaranteed Eligible for Benefits � More Insight � Wait-lists, appointments, etc. � Rules, Bureaucracy � Etc. � HUD VASH Limitations & “Conflicting” Goals �

  5. Revolving Door � Cop & Community Responses – Frequently Band-Aids � Arrests frequently “accomplish” little � Diversion frequently accomplish little outcomes/long- term results � Homeless Providers – individuals commonly fail at rules, etc. (not really specialized in BH needs) � VA not nimble to meet needs, and Proof of Entitlement � If diverted to BH System � Provided BH crisis response, but not long-term, immediate rich resources for long-term solution � Typically…at best they refer them to Homeless system…cycle kept repeating. �

  6. ������������������� � ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ����������� ���������������������!�����"� ����� ����� � #����$ %����������!��&�����'��(��)�������� ����������*�������+,+������-�.����� �-!!�/0������������������������������ �����������1�� ����������� �������� �����������������������!�����"2 � �

  7. ������������������� � Grassroots Initiative � Community Survey – Defined Target � “Reprioritize” Existing Precious Resources � I.e. Traditional HUD Vash Priority – 1 st in line � In-kind Resources � No One System Is Sufficient to Meet All the Needs � Many in community/providers wanted to work those individuals already engaged in some level of services – solve “their” problem.? CIT Program –Influence on Project: � � Big push to work those: � On the streets � Most resistant � Not Engaged � � Lacking Insight � Etc.

  8. CIT’s Perspective � Project should use the community’s Limited Resources to Address the: � Most Visible � Largest Community impact � Largest Community impact � “Magnet” effect � Criminal Justice Interactions � Healthcare impact � Different “Interventions” are needed for Different “Populations” � Used Cops to “push” providers �

  9. Result: A “Housing First” Project, led by ACEH � Guiding Philosophy – Person Centered � Not so much that Individuals are Resistant to treatment, but Treatment is Resistive to Individuals � Eight “Main Elements” Housing First 1. Navigation 2. “12 Points of Light” & the “Bat Phone” 3. “Bridge/Temporary” Housing 4. Co-Located VA Social Workers in the Community 5. Move-In Celebration 6. Convening Body 7. 100,000 Homes Campaign Involvement � 8.

  10. ��1��������3����������/������������� 4������������������������������������� ���������� ��������������� ���������� �� ������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������ �� ������������������ ��������������� �� �� ���������������������������������� ���������������� ���������������������������������� ���������������� ���������������!��������������!��������"� ���������

  11. 1) TRUE Housing First Model 1) TRUE Housing First Model � Utilized a “Housing First” Model � People didn’t need to be “housing ready” � I.e. grabbing a 6-pack… � Housing is not time-limited � Re-Housing is to be expected for some! � Re-Housing is to be expected for some! � Right “person” and Quickly!! � Provided to EVERYONE eligible for Project � Integrate Health Care � Based on “Recovery” Philosophy � Services are driven by client choice & provided as needed � Need for COHESION & “Barrier-Busting” � A Move from “outputs” to “outcomes” #

  12. 2) “H3Vets Navigators” Outreach and Engagement + Case Management + Natural Support = Navigation borrows from all three and blends them together to create a single new service delivery system.

  13. Navigation Principles and Concepts � �������������������������������� � ���������������������������� � �������������������������� � ���������������������������������������� � ����������������� � ����!�����������������������

  14. “H3Vets Navigators” � H3-Vets Peer Navigators are Involved in every step of the Process: I.e. � Locating Veteran � Placement in Bridge Housing � Placement in Bridge Housing � Acquiring Voucher/Briefings � Apartment Hunting � Lease Processing & Landlord Relations � Furniture, sundries & food and sundries � And then beyond…breaking isolation, natural supports, volunteerism/employment, etc.

  15. 3) “12 Points of Light” � Outreach and Engagement Strategy for chronically homeless based on Community Impact � Police, fire, transit, parks and recreation, jails, prosecutors, drug court, detox and substance use facilities, crisis centers and other community systems that interact with centers and other community systems that interact with this population have the BAT PHONE!

  16. 4) “Bridge Housing” � Once deemed eligible for VA Healthcare– moved directly into temporary “Bridge Housing” � Safety � Improved outcomes for next steps/appointments � Demonstrates Commitment

  17. 5) “Co-Located VA Social Works IN the Community” � Co-Located with program & Navigator Staff � Ongoing Communication with Project Coordinator & Navigators � Streamlined Assessment & Intake Scheduling � Joint Bi-Weekly Staffings Joint Bi-Weekly Staffings � VA Healthcare System provides Integrated Medical/Pysch services, etc. The Navigator helps coordinate that care, improve treatment compliance, transportation, emotional support, etc. � Navigator also can serve as “eyes & ears” and “Peer” influence ☺

  18. 6) Move 6) Move- -in Celebration aka “warm in Celebration aka “warm & fuzzy” part… & fuzzy” part… � How a House becomes a Home � Move-In Celebrations � Furniture & “staging” � Birthday Celebrations � Birthday Celebrations � Holidays � Community Participation � Turns a “House” into a “Home” � Accessing Services & Activities in your new Community � Navigator & VA Social Work are there #

  19. ������������������� �� �� ������������������� � Coordinating and Convening � Coordinating agency for Project H3-Vets � Brings disparate partners together � Project Coordinator Role: Project Coordinator Role: � Coordinated housing resources and supportive services � Serves as “Hub” for program and nexus to community � Identifies systemic barriers needing administrative solutions � Convened communication between Project H3 Vets and National 100K Homes campaign � Convening of stakeholder meetings #


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