keokuk community schools our purpose

Keokuk Community Schools Our Purpose The onset of COVID-19 has - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Keokuk Community Schools Our Purpose The onset of COVID-19 has disrupted our world, yet the need and desire to provide education to all students remains. The KCSD commits all district resources to provide students and staff with high quality

  1. Keokuk Community Schools

  2. Our Purpose The onset of COVID-19 has disrupted our world, yet the need and desire to provide education to all students remains. The KCSD commits all district resources to provide students and staff with high quality of education. Our delivery models may have changed, but our focus on student achievement and well-being has not.

  3. Our Vision The KCSD Return to Learn plan aims to equip learners with the skills needed to excel in the virtual or physical classroom.

  4. Iowa Department of Education Guidance Return-to-Learn plans are required to be submitted to the Iowa Department of Education by July 1, 2020. These plans are designed to help districts and nonpublic schools meet the challenges of the 2020-21 school year by: ● Ensuring that remote learning options are available for all students; ● Planning to help students catch-up for the learning they may have missed during school closures; ● Integrating public health strategies into Iowa’s schools; ● Enabling schools to move between on-site and remote learning as needed; and ● Helping the Department and our partners at Iowa’s area education agencies (AEAs) understand how best to support schools. All districts and nonpublic schools must submit a Return-to-Learn Plan.

  5. KCSD Teams Leadership Infrastructure Health & Safety Iowa Academic Standards Social-Emotional-Behavioral Health Special Education\Equity

  6. Leadership OUR PURPOSE: Implement and support educational plans and allocate resources across buildings, including the professional Stafg Teaching Photo Here development needed for teachers/staff, in order to improve student learning. Leadership Team Facilitators: Chris Barnes, Doreen Underwood

  7. Leadership Team: Highlights Members of the KCSD Leadership Team are: Christine Barnes, Superintendent Layne Billings, KHS Associate Principal Heather Davis, George Washington Elementary Principal Dave Grogan, Director of Transportation Brent Haage, Director of Technology Sarah Hackett, Food Services Director Aaron Hinton, Maintenance Director Heidi Harness, Business Manager Meghan Leenerts, Hawthorne Associate Principal Adam Magliari, KHS Principal Mike Marsden, Hawthorne Elementary Principal Ryals Parker, KMS Principal Doreen Underwood, Director of Instructional Services Stephanie Vititoe, KMS Associate Principal We have been meeting weekly on Thursdays to develop the Return to Learn plans.

  8. Infrastructure OUR PURPOSE: Identify or develop resources and training to support leadership teams to develop, implement, and monitor Stafg Teaching Photo Here Return-to-Learn plans, including the professional development needed for teachers/staff. Infrastructure Team Facilitators: Mike Mardsen, Meghan Leenertz, Heather Davis, and Adam Magliari

  9. Infrastructure Team:Highlights Virtual Plan Highlights: ● No changes to calendars: August 24 is the first day for students in grades 1-12. ○ 2020-21 Calendar ○ Preschool Calendar ● Will have Grab & Go type lunches on M-W-F for families to pick up at locations. ● Internet will be available in all school parking lots and students will have access to hardware ○ iPads grades PK-K ○ Chromebooks w/ touchscreens grade 1-2 ○ Chromebooks grades 3-12 ● Teachers will be on-site delivering instruction via technology to students using Schoology, Google Classroom, and other programs. ● Teachers will have posted “office hours” for students to check in with them and ask questions. ● Student attendance will be tracked using on-line minutes and engagement; assessments will be given for mastery of standards PK-8 and credits awarded for students 9-12, as appropriate.

  10. Infrastructure Team:Highlights Face to Face Plan Highlights: ● Same school calendar however school start times may be staggered for transportation purposes based on Health Department guidelines ○ Potential Start/End Times: ■ Grades 6-12 8:00 AM-3:00 PM ■ Grades PK-5 8:15-3:15 PM ● Breakfast and lunch will be served to students in classrooms in accordance with social distancing guidance for PK-8 with 9-10 in HS cafeteria and 11-12 grade will have open lunch option ● Each building will develop a “flow of hallway traffic” guideline to ensure safe passage through halls and protocol for school visitors. Students will be encouraged to wear masks when social distancing can not be maintained. ● All buildings will have ill children (fever, vomiting, etc.) in a different location from children needing quick health needs (band-aid, medications, ice pack, etc.) ● Curriculum will be utilizing more online resources and schools will support students/parents in learning specialized programs as needed

  11. Health & Safety OUR PURPOSE: Identify or develop resources and Health/Wellness Photo Here training on how to ensure the health and safety of staff, students and families in schools. Team Facilitator: Ryals Parker

  12. Health & Safety Team: Highlights Virtual Plan Highlights ● Staff: If/when staff must enter the building, they will enter through the closest entrance/exit. Staff meetings will be held virtually to ensure that staff do not come in contact with one another. Common areas (library, staff lounge) will be closed to prevent congregating. ● Students: If students are allowed to enter the building individually or in small groups these groups will be staggered to ensure the minimum number of individuals possible at any given time. Additionally, these individual/small group meetings will be held in large areas such as the cafeteria, gym, or library to allow for proper social distancing. ● Nurse’s role: school nurse/medical aid will be in regular contact with students and parents of chronically ill students and students who require regular nursing services to answer questions and provide support. Nurse/medical aid will also serve as a contact for families with questions in regard to COVID-19 in relation to testing and preventative/mitigation strategies that can be taken at home.

  13. Health & Safety Team: Highlights Face to Face Plan Highlights Face to Face Plan Highlights Building : Hand sanitizer stations will be set up Sick Students/Nurses Office: A separate "sick by all entrances/exits. room" will be established for students displaying flu like symptoms. This includes fever, vomit, sore throat, Signage will be placed throughout building about cough. This room will be used to take temperature hand washing guidelines and current social and be available for students to wait for their parents distancing requirements. This will be provided by to pick them up from school. Room will be heavily the county health department. disinfected after each use. When a student is sent home after displaying flu-like symptoms, a team will Students: (these guidelines are assuming social determine areas of the building the student has been distancing is still in place) in and will follow mitigation procedures in those areas. Students displaying flu-like symptoms or test positive Students will enter through separate for COVID-19 will be able to return to school based on entrances/exits based on their grade level. the current county health department guidelines. This Students will be strongly encouraged to wear will at the least include 72 hours fever free without masks; but not required. Masks will not be the aid of medication . When a student returns, their provided. temperature will be taken upon arrival and again mid-day.

  14. Iowa Academic Standards OUR PURPOSE: Identify or develop resources and Classroom Photo Here training on how to accelerate and support learning via Required Continuous Learning, Hybrid, or On-Site Learning in the context of COVID-19 learning loss. Team Facilitators: Doreen Underwood

  15. Iowa Academic Standards: Highlights Virtual Plan Highlights: Face to Face Highlights: ● Assessment data will be used throughout the ● Assessment data will be used throughout the school year to identify what supports students school year to identify what supports students need and to accelerate student learning to need and to accelerate student learning to address any gaps. address any gaps. ● Teachers will use this assessment data to ● All buildings will be implementing schedules that adjust learning experiences to integrate allow for intervention times to provide students student’s learning needs into their instruction. extra support or enrichment to match their learning needs. ● Teachers will communicate to parents ways they can support their students in a virtual ● Students and teachers will be expected to do learning environment and help with student some learning in the virtual platforms (Schoology, engagement in the virtual learning. Google, ect.) to ensure that students are comfortable interacting in the virtual environment. ● KCSD has purchased Schoology, a learning management system to support teachers and ● Parent information nights will be held to help families in navigating virtual instruction. families understand the new digital learning platforms.

  16. Social-Emotional- Behavioral Health OUR PURPOSE: Identify or develop resources and General Student/Stafg training on how support the Photo Here social-emotional-behavioral health (SEBH) needs of staff, students, and families. Team Facilitator: Stephanie Vititoe


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