introduction to the physics of multiferroics

Introduction to the physics of multiferroics Charles Simon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction to the physics of multiferroics Charles Simon Laboratoire CRISMAT, CNRS and ENSICAEN, F14050 Caen. Models in magnetism: from basics aspects to practical use Timisoara september 2009 Summary Introduction and definitions

  1. Introduction to the physics of multiferroics Charles Simon Laboratoire CRISMAT, CNRS and ENSICAEN, F14050 Caen. “Models in magnetism: from basics aspects to practical use” Timisoara september 2009

  2. Summary Introduction and definitions The example of YMnO 3 Origin of the coupling term Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Importance of symmetry Applications Some examples Landau theory and symmetries The example of MnWO 4 Examples are taken in work of Natalia Bellido, Damien Saurel, Kiran Singh and Bohdan Kundys models in magnetism timisoara 2

  3. What is a multiferroic? Definitions are various: For me in this lecture: A ferromagnetic and ferroelectric compound. (spontaneous magnetization in zero field and spontaneous polarization in zero field) It was predicted by P. Curie in 1894 “Les conditions de symétrie nous permettent d’imaginer qu’un corps se polarise magnétiquement lorsqu’on lui applique un champ électrique” Debye in 1926: magnetoélectric Landau in 1957 Dzyaloshinskii in 1959 predicts that Cr 2 O 3 magnetoelectric Astrov et al. 1960 E induces M, Folen, Rado Stalker 1961, B induces P. models in magnetism timisoara 3

  4. One example: YMnO 3 Hexagonal : P6 3 cm ferroelectric MnO 5 b Y 3+ a Mn 3+ S=2 c models in magnetism timisoara 4

  5. Why this example • Because is it quite simple in symmetry and interactions • However, this is rather complex, and if you find it difficult, this is normal, I find it complex. models in magnetism timisoara 5

  6. 5.5 μ C/cm 2 Pc c 900K T Experimental difficulty P=II(t)dt C= ε 0 ε S/t models in magnetism timisoara 6

  7. Antiferromagnetism 5.4 -3 emu/mol) Mn 3+ 0.15 from T=10K to T=100K 5.2 M( μ B /fu) 5.0 0.10 4.8 0.05 4.6 χ (10 4.4 0 50 100 150 200 0.00 T (K) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 μ Η (T) L : alternate magnetization models in magnetism timisoara 7

  8. Neutron scattering L = Σ S i exp(2i π Qr i ) Order parameter models in magnetism timisoara 8

  9. YMnO 3 - ε (T) ε = 1/ ε 0 dP/dE dielectric constant 18.0 17.5 ε 17.0 16.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 T(K) ε ∝ − 2 L models in magnetism timisoara 9

  10. 5.5 μ C/cm 2 Pc c T N 900K T models in magnetism timisoara 10

  11. 5.5 μ C/cm 2 0.000430 Pc 0.000425 M(emu) 0.000420 0.000415 T N 0.000410 0 20 40 60 80 100 T(K) T Small ferromagnetic component along c induced by the ferroelectric component L order parameter P non zero everywhere, secondary M third order models in magnetism timisoara 11

  12. They don’t vary in the same way. Pailhes et al., 2009 models in magnetism timisoara 12

  13. After Pailhes et al. Hybrid modes models in magnetism timisoara 13

  14. questions • YMnO 3 is ferromagnetic (?) below T N ! – This was already published by Bertaut models in magnetism timisoara 14

  15. questions • YMnO 3 is ferromagnetic (?) below T N ! • What is the origin of the coupling? Why there is an effect on polarization? – Two steps • The microscopic coupling (exchange, LS coupling) • The long range ordering (symmetry) – Both are difficult models in magnetism timisoara 15

  16. Origin of the coupling term 1 Displacement of oxygen is responsible to the polarization 2 Origin of the antiferromagnetism? superexchange by oxygen 3 antiferromagnetism by superexchange changes the energy and the polarization 4 It induces a ferromagnetic component. models in magnetism timisoara 16

  17. Superexchange explanation? • Does superexchange enough to understand the coupling? – No, because of the symmetry. If you add the three contributions, they cancel by symmetry. models in magnetism timisoara 17

  18. Cancel by symmetry After I. A. Sergienko and E. Dagotto models in magnetism timisoara 18

  19. On the contrary, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction— i.e., anisotropic exchange interaction S n x S n +1 — changes its sign under inversion. models in magnetism timisoara 19

  20. Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction • Of course, this expansion in term of LS coupling does not mean that this term in the dominant one, but an least, this is the first one you can think about. models in magnetism timisoara 20

  21. 21 models in magnetism timisoara

  22. Sn x Sn+1 Sn x Sn+1 Sn+1 Sn+1 Sn Sn Effect of inversion models in magnetism timisoara 22

  23. • The problem is the symmetry • The solution is the symmetry • The method in Landau theory models in magnetism timisoara 23

  24. YMnO 3 symmetry • Non ferroelectric P 63 /mmc (194) M=0 • ferroelectric P 63 cm (185). Mc can be non zero models in magnetism timisoara 24

  25. 1 identity 2 symmetry by a plane No in plane components 3 rotation axis 2 with translation C axis component possible 4 combinations of two models in magnetism timisoara 25

  26. YMnO3 symmetry Non ferro ferro models in magnetism timisoara 26

  27. • Symmetry analysis shows that the experimental observation was the only possible one. models in magnetism timisoara 27

  28. 28 models in magnetism timisoara

  29. Symmetry restrictions models in magnetism timisoara 29

  30. • This is very limited • Solution: incommensurability – An incommensurate modulation of the magnetism with a ferromagnetic component suppresses the corresponding symmetry elements models in magnetism timisoara 30

  31. 31 models in magnetism timisoara

  32. Applications • Magnetic memories that you can write with electric field • RAM (random acces memory) FRAM (ferroélectric, no battery), MRAM (magnétic, no battery, difficult to write). • Multiferro: write with electric field, read with magnetic sensor. models in magnetism timisoara 32

  33. 33 I R GMR M models in magnetism timisoara

  34. Write multiferro P I M R models in magnetism timisoara 34

  35. One historical example: Boracites models in magnetism timisoara 35

  36. 36 models in magnetism timisoara I O 13 B 7 Ni 3

  37. Other materials • Structure: perovskite: BiFeO 3 PrMnO 3 • Structure: hexagonal: MMnO 3 M=Y, Ho, etc… • Boracites • Spiral magnetic order: TbMnO 3 MnWO 4 • Fe Langasites. models in magnetism timisoara 37

  38. 38 models in magnetism timisoara

  39. 39 Tenurite CuO models in magnetism timisoara

  40. Kagome staircase - Co 3 V 2 O 8 Ni 3 V 2 O 8 [1]: S=1 Co 3 V 2 O 8 [1]: S=3/2 β -Cu 3 V 2 O 8 [2]: S=1/2 0.6 7.74 Co 3 V 2 O 8 δ =1/2 0.5 0.4 δ =1/3 ε δ 0.3 7.73 0.2 0.1 δ =0 7.72 0.0 4 6 8 10 12 14 4 6 8 10 12 14 T(K) T(K) models in magnetism timisoara 40

  41. Eu 0.75 Y 0.25 MnO 3 H=0 H models in magnetism timisoara 41

  42. CuCrO 2 Complex incommensurate structure models in magnetism timisoara 42

  43. CuCrO 2 Time(Sec) 21 (b) 20 ( ) 2 ) 19 Polarization, P( μ C/m = + α − + 2 18 F F L P EP gLP 17 AFM 16 15 14 13 = − − + -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 2 2 L ( a ( T T ) dH ) / 2 b H(T) 6 Transversal magnetostriction, Δ L/L*10 N (c) 4 20K 3 2 1 0 -1 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 H(T) Bohdan Kundys, Maria Poienar, Antoine Maignan, Christine Martin, Charles Simon models in magnetism timisoara 43

  44. FeVO 4 6 Fe 3+ 5/2 in a triclinic structure 1 models in magnetism timisoara 44

  45. 45 models in magnetism timisoara FeVO 4

  46. 46 models in magnetism timisoara FeCuO 2

  47. A ferroic material models in magnetism timisoara 47

  48. Free energy from “Landau” Ferromagnet = + + + + + − 2 3 4 F F c M c M c M c M .... MH 0 1 2 3 4 M T c a b = + + − 2 4 F F M M MH FM FM 2 4 0 Température Ferroelectric = + + + + + − 2 3 4 F F c P c P c P c P .... PE 0 1 2 3 4 P T c α β +Q -Q r r = + + − 2 4 F F P P PE P P FE FE 2 4 0 -Q +Q Température

  49. T>Tc a b = + + − 2 4 F F M M MH FM FM 0 2 4 a is linear in T-Tc T<Tc M 2 = -a/b H T models in magnetism timisoara 49

  50. Interactions and symmetries • This example is too simple: the symmetry is hidden and the role of the interactions is not clear models in magnetism timisoara 50

  51. • We have already discussed in this school the possible origins of ferromagnetism • Let us discuss briefly the possible origin of ferroelectricity: – A shift of one of the atoms from the symmetrical position due electron electron repulsion models in magnetism timisoara 51

  52. Free energy from “Landau” Ferromagnet = + + + + + − 2 3 4 F F c M c M c M c M .... MH 0 1 2 3 4 M T c a b = + + − 2 4 F F M M MH FM FM 2 4 0 Température Ferroelectric = + + + + + − 2 3 4 F F c P c P c P c P .... PE 0 1 2 3 4 P T c α β +Q -Q r r = + + − 2 4 F F P P PE P P FE FE 2 4 0 -Q +Q Température

  53. A little more about Landau • Paraelectric I 4/mmm to ferroelectric II at Tc. • F is formed by successive invariants From P. Toledano models in magnetism timisoara 53

  54. • Quadratic invariants Px 2 +Py 2 , Pz 2 • Quartic invariants (Px 2 +Py 2 ) 2 , Pz 4 , Px 4 +Py 4 , (PxPy) 2 +a/2(Px 2 +Py 2 )+a’/2 Pz 2 +… • F=F 0 • Minimization of F with respect to Px,Py,Pz • a or a’ changes sign first (assume a, a’>0) models in magnetism timisoara 54

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