in situ irradiation testing of nuclear ceramics and

In situ irradiation testing of nuclear ceramics and oxides with - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

In situ irradiation testing of nuclear ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy V.A.Skuratov 1 , G.Bujnarowski 1,2 , Yu.S.Kovalev 1 , K.Havancsak 3 , J.Stano 4 1 Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for

  1. In situ irradiation testing of nuclear ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy V.A.Skuratov 1 , G.Bujnarowski 1,2 , Yu.S.Kovalev 1 , K.Havancsak 3 , J.Stano 4 1 Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 2 Institute of Physics, Opole University, 45-052 Opole, Poland 3 Eötvös University, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary 4 BIONT, a.s., 842 29, Bratislava, Slovakia

  2. Outline Outline • Introduction • High energy heavy ion irradiation facility in FLNR JINR • Study of structural effects of dense ionization in nuclear ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragment energy • Real time examination of mechanical stress in Al 2 O 3 under swift heavy ion irradiation • Residual stress depth profiles in oxide materials irradiated with high energy heavy ions • Outlook

  3. Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy ions of fission fragments energy The overall intention of this work is to yield sufficient basic data to determine and compare the radiation tolerance of several ceramics and single crystals (MgAl 2 O 4 , MgO, Al 2 O 3 , ZrO 2 , SiC, ZrC, AlN, Si 3 N 4 ) considered as candidates for inert matrix fuel hosts Our central objectives are: - to study the temperature dependence of swift heavy ion-induced phase transformations and dense ionization effect on pre-existing defect structure in irradiating materials - to elucidate the correlation between surface and material bulk radiation damage induced by heavy ions with energies above 1 MeV/amu - real time examination of stress accumulation in ceramic materials under swift heavy ion bombardment

  4. Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy ions of fission fragments energy Ion tracks in spinel irradiated with 430 MeV Kr ions to a fluence of 1.1 × 10 12 cm -2 at room temperature. The average TEM track diameter is ~2 nm . S.J. Zinkle, V.A. Skuratov. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 141 (1998), 737-746.

  5. Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy ions of fission fragments energy Threshold ionizing radiation levels for track formation in ceramics Material S e , keV/nm MgAl 2 O 4 8 Si 3 N 4 15 Al 2 O 3 > 41 AlN > 34 SiC > 34 High-resolution lattice image of Si 3 N 4 irradiated with 710 MeV Bi ions (plan- view specimen) S.J. Zinkle, V.A. Skuratov and D.T. Hoelzer. Nucl. Instr. Meth. 2002, B 191,1-4, pp. 758-766.

  6. Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy ions of fission fragments energy High-resolution lattice image of α -Al 2 O 3 irradiated with 710 MeV Bi ions a fluence of 7 × 10 12 cm -2 The average TEM track diameter is ~3 to 4 nm. V.A. Skuratov, S.J. Zinkle, A.E. Efimov, K. Havancsák. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B203(2003), 136-140.

  7. Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy ions of fission fragments energy TEM micrograph of α -A 2 O 3 target irradiated at S at S e =41 keV/nm to a fluence e =41 keV/nm of 7 × 10 12 cm -2 ( S.J.Zinkle, ORNL) The presence of numerous subgrains suggests that considerable internal stresses were induced by the Bi ion irradiation

  8. Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy ions of fission fragments energy 240 230 Sapphire Kr 250 MeV 220 210 τ mean (ps) 200 190 180 170 160 substrate 150 1E9 1E10 1E11 1E12 1E13 1E14 -2 ) Fluence (ions cm The mean positron lifetime as a function of dose. The figure shows different stages of point defect accumulation

  9. Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy ions of fission fragments energy 3D AFM image of of MgAl 2 O 4 surface irradiated with 710 MeV Bi ions. Ion fluence 5x10 10 cm -2 .

  10. Mean hillock height versus incident electronic energy deposition 5.5 MgO 5.0 MgAl 2 O 4 4.5 Al 2 O 3 4.0 Bi YSZ 3.5 h, nm 3.0 2.5 Xe 2.0 1.5 1.0 Kr 0.5 0.0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Se, keV/nm Threshold electronic stopping power value needed for the hillocks production: MgO, S e ≈ 15. 8 keV/nm; MgAl 2 O 4 , S e ≈ 15. 5 keV/nm; Al 2 O 3 , S e ≈ 25 keV/nm SiC, S e > 34 keV/nm

  11. Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy Examination of the dense ionization effect in ceramics and oxides with heavy ions of fission fragments energy ions of fission fragments energy Main questions addressed to real time measurements: � Radiation damage and stress accumulation processes before and after ion track region overlapping � Variation in the stress state under ion irradiation characterized by specific ionizing energy losses higher and lower than the threshold of radiation damage formation via electronic excitations.

  12. FLNR cyclotron complex U400M E = 6 ÷ 100 MeV/n U400 - E = 0.5 ÷ 20 MeV/n IC-100 - E ≈ 1.2 MeV/n U200 U200 - - E = 3 E = 3 ÷ ÷ 15 MeV/n 15 MeV/n

  13. Ion beam transport line for applied research at U-400 FLNR cyclotron � This heavy ion irradiation facility is suitable for irradiating large area (10x60 cm) polymer films just as small metal, semiconductor and ceramic samples in well controlled circumstances. � A homogeneous ion beam distribution has been achieved using horizontal and vertical high-frequency electrostatic or low-frequency electromagnetic scanning systems . Ion beam homogeneity is better than 5% .

  14. B +2 , Ne +4 , Ar +7 , Fe +8 , Kr +15 , I 23 , Xe +23 , W +32 ions with energy ≈ 1.2 MeV/n

  15. SEM data: d=0.2 um

  16. Experimental set-up for ion-beam-induced luminescence measurements on IC-100 FLNR JINR cyclotron

  17. STRESS IN Al 2 O 3 :Cr UNDER SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION STRESS IN Al 2 O 3 :Cr UNDER SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION Basis of the piezospectroscopic effect – the applied stress strains the lattice and alters the energy of transitions between electronic states 10000 2 STRESS FREE ∆ν = Π ij × σ ij 0 3.2 GPa COMPRESSION ²v = 1.50 σ − 0.073 σ2 R1 NEON INTENSITY (COUNTS) R2 ²v = 2.16 σ − 0.052 σ2 7500 -2 SHIFT ²v (cm -1) R1 Π ij – piezospectroscopic -4 coefficients 5000 -6 R2 -8 2500 -10 R1 R2 -12 0 -14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 14380 14400 14420 14440 FREQUENCY (cm-1) COMPRESSIVE STRESS - σ (GPa) R 1 AND R 2 FREQUENCY SHIFT UNDER FREQUENCY SHIFT AS A FUNCTION COMPRESSIVE STRESSES OF STRESS Typical piezospectroscopic probes: Cr 3+ in Al 2 O 3 Eu 3+ , Nd 3+ in silica glasses Sm 3+ in borosilicate glasses

  18. STRESS IN Al 2 O 3 :Cr UNDER SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION STRESS IN Al 2 O 3 :Cr UNDER SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION Т , К Ion irradiation parameters -0.8 -6.0 P, W cm - Φ , cm -2 s -1 Ion type and Bi,80K 2 Bi,300K energy, MeV 3 × 10 8 -0.6 Kr,80K -4.5 -1 Kr,300K (II) ∆ν , cm CL Ar +16 , 280 Kr,300K (I) 300 0.013 ∆σ h , GPa -0.4 6.3 × 10 8 -3.0 Ar,300K Kr +26 , 245 -0.2 80 0.025 -1.5 300(I) 300 0.0 0.0 1.3 × 10 8 (II) Bi +51 , 710 0.2 80 0.015 1.5 11 11 11 12 0 3x10 6x10 9x10 6x10 300 - 2 ion fluence, cm ∆ν = ∆ν ( σ ) + ∆ν (T) + ∆ν (n Cr ) the hydrostatic stress component σ h = ( σ 11 + σ 22 + σ 33 )/3 ≈ ∆ν 2 /7.61 σ h (GPa), ∆ν (cm -1 )

  19. STRESS IN Al 2 O 3 :Cr UNDER SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION STRESS IN Al 2 O 3 :Cr UNDER SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION The magnitude of integrated stress in Al 2 O 3 induced by hundred keV- some MeV ion irradiation depends on the ratio of electronic to nuclear stopping power G.W. Arnold, G.B. Kreft, and C.B. Norris, Appl. Phys. Lett., 25(1974) 540 . The knowledge about of high energy heavy ion-induced stress is of considerable practical value in view of simulation of fission product impact in radiation resistant oxides and ceramics, considered as candidate materials for nuclear waste management

  20. STRESS IN Al 2 O 3 :Cr UNDER SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION STRESS IN Al 2 O 3 :Cr UNDER SWIFT HEAVY ION IRRADIATION Dose dependence of the R -lines spectra under 167 MeV Xe ion irradiation. Ion beam incidence angle is 60 o . T=80 K.

  21. The R -lines spectra measured during Kr, Xe and Bi tilted ion bombardment as a function of ion fluence. Spectra are normalized on maximum of the R 1 -line intensity The threshold of damage formation through dense ionization is about 20 keV/nm. B. Canut et al. Phys. Rev. B 51 (1995) 12194. 670 MeV Bi Se=41 keV/nm 167 MeV Xe Se=24.7 keV/nm 107 MeV Kr Se=16.4 keV/nm ! No stress relaxation occurs if S e less than threshold value of damage formation via electronic excitation


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