grid code frequency response working group requirements

Grid Code Frequency Response Working Group Requirements for System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Grid Code Frequency Response Working Group Requirements for System Inertia Antony Johnson, System Technical Performance Overview Summary or Work to Date Pre / Post fault Wind Curtailment Manufacturer Engagement Further Work

  1. Grid Code Frequency Response Working Group Requirements for System Inertia Antony Johnson, System Technical Performance

  2. Overview � Summary or Work to Date � Pre / Post fault Wind Curtailment � Manufacturer Engagement � Further Work

  3. Summary of Work Completed to Date � Additional Study work � Spread Sheet � Digsilent Power Factory � BM Dashboard – Network Operations � The effect of Inertia on the Transmission System � Manufacturer Engagement � Assessment of manufacturer capabilities � Power Recovery � Patents � Further Work

  4. Spread Sheet Results – Effect of Inertia – 1800 MW Loss 1 � The spread sheet calculation has been developed to demonstrate the effect of inertia:- � Key Points � 25 GW load � 23.2GW of Coal � 3.6 GW of Pumped Storage (Response) � 50% Delivery of Pumped Storage – ie 1.8GW � Generation Loss = 1.8GW � Demand Reduction – 2%/Hz � Zero Secondary Response Provided – Beyond Study Timescales

  5. Spread Sheet Results – Effect of Inertia – 1800MW loss 2 H Equivalent ROCOF Loss (MW) Min Frequency Time to Min (MWs/MVA) (Hz/s) (Hz) Frequency (s) 0 0.67 1800 47.99 5.75 1 0.466 1800 48.37 6.6 2 0.3575 1800 48.62 7.1 3 0.2898 1800 48.8 7.6 4 0.2437 1800 48.94 7.85 5 0.2102 1800 49.05 8.1 6 0.1848 1800 49.14 8.3 7 0.16492 1800 49.22 8.5 8 0.148875 1800 49.28 8.7 9 0.13567 1800 49.33 8.7 10 0.124625 1800 49.37 8.8 11 0.11524 1800 49.42 8.9 12 0.107168 1800 49.45 8.9

  6. A summary of the Requirement / Issue Frequency 1) Initial Rate of change of frequency limited by stored energy of the rotating mass (ie the size of the inertia) (Hz) 2) Primary Response acts within 10 seconds and sustained for a further 20 to contain and start correcting frequency deviation 49.2 Hz 0s ~8s -4s Time (s) Power (MW) PTemp (5-10% PNom) Additional power delivered by synchronous machines – area under the curve is the kinetic energy released by the rotating mass Power output of decoupled Wind Generation – Ideally such plant should behave like that of a synchronous plant through a controlled action PNom Recovery in Kinetic Energy following restoration of System Frequency Primary response delivered by de-loaded machines PDeload -4s Time (s) 0s 2s 12s

  7. Deadband

  8. High Level Requirements (1) Active power decay to be Power proportional to the rate of (MW) change of frequency PIncrease (Max ~10% PNom) Time of Machine loss triggered by df/dt (Power injection determined by df/dt – Full power required in approximately 200ms from initiation of df/dt) Recovery in Kinetic Energy permitted following injection of Active Power PNom to the Network ~200ms 0s 10s Time (s) Additional Power increase if PIncrease available (MW) PIncrease Max ~10 PNom Mandatory requirement 0.003 0.1 df/dt (Hz/s)

  9. High Level Requirements (2) – Detail of initial Short term Power Injection Profile Required – ie up to 10% of PNom to be Power delivered in 200ms (MW) PIncrease (Max ~10% PNom) Actual controlled power output of Power Park Module including delay time PNom 0s ~200ms Time (s)

  10. High Level Requirements (2) Power (MW) Time of Machine loss triggered by df/dt PIncrease (Power injection determined (~10% PNom) by df/dt) Additional Power increase if Active power decay to be available proportional to the rate of change of frequency (df/dt) PIncrease (MW) PNom PIncrease Max 10 PNom 0s 10s Time (s) Mandatory requirement Power Time of Machine loss (MW) triggered by df/dt (Power injection determined by df/dt) PIncrease (~5% PNom) 0.05 Active power decay to be 0.003 df/dt (Hz/s) 0.1 proportional to the rate of change of frequency (df/dt) PNom 0s 10s Time (s)

  11. Power Injection Capability and Recovery Courtesy of Enercon – Taken from Figures 6 and 7 of Reference [1] ~47.9% ~45% ~39.2% ~34.58% ~20.7% ~29.26% ~4.5s ~14s ~16.1s ~22s ~3.5s ~14s ~20.35s Figure 7 - Power Control excluding Figure 6 - Power Control including Rotational Speed – Note black dotted lines with Rotational Speed – Note black dotted lines with extrapolated additional values additional extrapolated additional values additional to original figure quoted by Enercon to original figure quoted by Enercon

  12. Power Injection Capability and Recovery Courtesy of Vestas – Taken from Figure 8 of Reference [3] ~ 0.81 0.7 ~0.67 0s ~3.6s ~6.1s ~13.75s Figure 8 - Wind Power with Inertia emulation – Note black dotted lines with extrapolated additional values additional to original figure quoted by Vestas

  13. Power Injection Delivery Courtesy of Vestas – Taken from Figure 3 of Reference [2]

  14. Manufacturer Engagement � High level principles and concepts were issued to a wide range of manufacturers at the end of June 2010 � Ongoing dialogue � Early stages but issues include � Power Recovery � Recovery time � Variations in wind speed � Patents � Impact of response on the Power System � Further modelling work required

  15. Study Results (1) – Spread Sheet Without Energy Recovery

  16. Study Results (1) – Spread Sheet – H = 0 Without Energy Recovery

  17. Study Results (2) – Spread Sheet – H = 0 With Energy Recovery

  18. Study Results (2) – Spread Sheet With Energy Recovery

  19. Study Results (3) – Spread Sheet With Energy Recovery

  20. Study Results (3) – Spread Sheet – H = 0 With Energy Recovery

  21. Frequency Control Capability Example of a Secured Incident 26 May 2003 (1175 MW loss) Frequency Trace, 26-May-2003 50.4 50.4 Primary Response 0 - 30 secs 50.3 50.3 50.2 50.2 Secondary Response 30 secs - 30 mins 50.1 50.1 FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY(Hz) 50 50 49.9 49.9 49.8 49.8 49.7 49.7 49.6 49.6 49.5 49.5 49.4 49.4 00:33:00 00:34:00 00:35:00 00:36:00 00:37:00 TIM E (GM T) FREQUENCY TARGET FREQ

  22. Further Work Required � Finalise modelling to determine settings based on the minimum needs of the Transmission System taking energy recovery into account � Compare model results � Spread Sheet � Digsilent Power Factory � BM Dashboard � Understand manufacturers Capabilities in more detail � Power Recovery, Recovery Time, Impact on the Transmission System � Effect of Wind Speed � Finalise Settings � Maximum value of PIncrease / Time duration � Exponential decay requirements / Power recovery � Deadband settings � Active Power injection during lower rates of change of system frequency � Legal drafting � Timescales

  23. References / Further Information � [1] Contribution of Wind Energy Converters with Inertia Emulation to frequency control and frequency stability in Power Systems – Stephan Wachtel and Alfred Beekmann – Enercon – Presented at the 8 th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Offshore Wind Farms, Bremen Germany, 14 – 15 October 2009. � [2] Variable Speed Wind Turbines Capability for Temporary Over-Production – German Claudio Tarnowski, Philip Carne Kjaer, Poul E Sorensen and Jacob Ostergaard � [3] Study on Variable Speed Wind Turbine Capability for Frequency Response - German Claudio Tarnowski, Philip Carne Kjaer, Poul E Sorensen and Jacob Ostergaard [4] GE Energy – WindINERTIA TM Control fact sheet – Available on GE Website at :- � � [5] Transmission Provider Technical Requirements for the Connection of Power Plants to the Hydro-Quebec Transmission System – February 2006 � [6] Amendment Report SQSS Review Request GSR007 Review of Infeed Loss limits – Prepared by the SQSS Review Group for Submission to the Authority – 10 th September 2009 available at:-


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