flow chart


APPENDIX N FLOW CHART A FOLLOW-UP ON POSITIVE TEST KIT RESULTS Appendix N Flow Chart Testing to determine a presumptive positive can be performed by an approved industry analyst or by a certified entity. Appendix N Flow Chart


  2. Appendix N Flow Chart  Testing to determine a presumptive positive can be performed by an approved industry analyst or by a certified “entity”.

  3. Appendix N Flow Chart Load Sample Initial Positive Re-test Same Sample in Duplicate with same test kit and same Analyst

  4. Appendix N Flow Chart Re-test sample in Duplicate with same test and by same analyst Controls give appropriate results Negative (NF) Negative (NF) No further testing Milk can be processed

  5. Appendix N Flow Chart Re-test sample in Duplicate with same test and by same analyst Controls give appropriate results Positive Positive Presumptive Positive

  6. Appendix N Flow Chart Re-test sample in Duplicate with same test and by same analyst Controls give appropriate results Positive Negative (NF) Presumptive Positive

  7. Appendix N Flow Chart  After a presumptive positive result is determined , All testing from this point on must be by a Certified “entity” - meaning a CIS (Certified Industry Supervisor) facility, Milk Industry Laboratory , or Commercial Laboratory

  8. Appendix N Flow Chart Presumptive Positive Contact Regulatory Agency Owner of milk may Initiate Load reject load without Confirmation Procedure further testing Load must be disposed Producer traceback must be performed

  9. Appendix N Flow Chart Load Confirmation sample tested in Duplicate with same or equivalent test Controls give appropriate results Negative (NF) Negative (NF) No further testing Milk can be processed

  10. Appendix N Flow Chart Load Confirmation sample tested in Duplicate with same or equivalent test Controls give appropriate results Positive Positive Screen Test (Confirmed) Positive Milk can not be processed Initiate Producer Traceback testing

  11. Appendix N Flow Chart Load Confirmation sample tested in Duplicate with same or equivalent test Controls give appropriate results Positive Negative (NF) Screen Test (Confirmed) Positive Milk can not be processed Initiate Producer Traceback testing

  12. Appendix N Flow Chart Producer Samples tested Positive Producer(s) found No positive producer samples Confirm positive producer No further testing

  13. Appendix N Flow Chart Initial Positive Producer sample re-tested in Duplicate with same test and same analyst Controls give appropriate results Negative (NF) Negative (NF) No further testing Producer Negative (NF)

  14. Appendix N Flow Chart Initial Positive Producer sample re-tested in Duplicate with same test and same analyst Controls give appropriate results Positive Positive Producer Positive Appendix N violation Subject to Regulatory action

  15. Appendix N Flow Chart Initial Positive Producer sample re-tested in Duplicate with same test and same analyst Controls give appropriate results Positive Negative (NF) Producer Positive Appendix N violation Subject to Regulatory action

  16. BFSLS-477 (REV. 01-14) PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF FOOD SAFETY & LABORATORY SERVICES LABORATORY DIVISION 2301 N. CAMERON STREET HARRISBURG, PA 17110-9408 Office (717) 787-4315 Fax (717) 787-1873 APPENDIX N BULK MILK TANKER POSITIVE DRUG RESIDUE TEST REPORT Receiving Location Collection of Sample Owner of Milk Route # _____18___________________ _____ Utter’s Dairy _____ ___ Brown Cow Dairy ___ Date _2___/_4___/_14____ ________________________ Time _9___:_45___am/pm Load # ________ 168123 __________ Temp. ._38___°F FIPS # __42-995_____ Milk Hauler Rejection Information Weight of Load Tanker License Plate # / State Positive compartment: ___My-T-Trucks___ ___52,269_______ ________PT-3698F_______________ Single ______ Front__X____ Rear__________ INITIAL TEST RESULT Test Kit Lot # Initial Result Date /Time Test Method Used ___KD159_______ (number / interpretation) Analyst I.D./ 2__/4___/_14__ Initials FRONT _6.58___ / __POS__ Expiration Date ___IDEXX Snap_____ 9__:_55__am/pm ____4/2/14________ ___JT________ REAR __0.75_ / ___NF____ PRESUMPTIVE TEST RESULT** Temperature Test Kit Lot # Presumptive Result Test Method Used ___KD159_______ DUPLICATE Analyst __3.2_____°C (number / interpretation) I.D./ Expiration Date _5.95__ / __POS____ Initials ___IDEXX Snap_____ ____4/2/14________ __6.12__ / _POS____ _____JT_ __ Printout: Control Results Charm II Control Point Results Department Notification: (enclosed) Control Point __________ Phone __ Fax ___ Email _X__ Positive __3.59__________ Date Established__________ Date _2__/_4__/14___ Yes Time _10__:_30__am/pm Negative ___0.72__________ Positive ______ Negative ______ Reported By: __JT________ No (Average) + _______ -- ________ Who contacted_M. Hydock_ Disposition of Load (secure initial test sample, secure tanker, attach weight slip) Received Seal numbers: 0134, 1121,1139________ Sent to:__ Utter’s Dairy for confirmation Condemned Dumped / Diverted Where? _____________________________________________________________________ Rejected Analyst ___J. Thompson________________ Supervisor ____F. James_______________ Date ___2/4/14__ Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SCREENING TEST (CONFIRMATION) RESULTS Date / Time Tested Test Kit Lot # Confirmation Results _2__/4___/___ Test Method Used ___109_____ DUPLICATE Analyst _1__:45__am/pm (number / interpretation) I.D./Initials __Charm SL____ Expiration Date _+2689______/___POS________ Temp. Control ___5/2014_____ ___S. M___ ___________°C ___+2548_____/___POS________ Confirmatory Control Results Charm II Control Point Department Notification: Location Results Phone __ Fax X___ Email ___ Positive ___+1659_______ Control Point __________ Date _2__/_4__/_14__ _ Utter’s Dairy ___ Date Established__________ Time _3__:_00__am/pm Negative __-1452_______ Positive ____ Negative _____ Reported By: _J. W_________ _______________ ( Average ) + ______ -- ______ Who contacted_M. Hydock__ Disposition of Load (secure initial test sample, secure tanker, attach weight slip) Received Seal numbers: __899,1574____________ Sent to: ___A. Stoltzfus manure pit____________________ Condemned Dumped / Diverted Where? ___________Ronks, PA________________________________________ CERTIFIED ANALYST/SUPERVISOR _____Sam Marshal / James Williams____________________ DATE ______2/4/14___________ **SCREENING FACILITIES - A COPY OF THIS REPORT MUST ACCOMPANY THE TRUCK AND PRODUCER SAMPLES TO THE CONFIRMATION LOCATION, BE KEPT ON FILE AT THE SCREENING LOCATION, AND ALSO BE SENT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WITHIN 72 HOURS OF INITIAL TESTING.

  17. BFSLS-502 (REV. 01/14) PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF FOOD SAFETY & LABORATORY SERVICES LABORATORY DIVISION 2301 N. CAMERON STREET HARRISBURG, PA 17110-9408 Office (717) 787-4315 Fax (717) 787-1873 PRODUCER TRACE-BACK FOR POSITIVE CONFIRMED LOADS (DRUG RESIDUE) TEST REPORT Collection of Sample Owner of Milk Confirmatory Location Date _2__/_4___/__14__ Route # __18__________ ___ Utter’s Dairy ____ Time _9__:_45_am/pm Load # ____168123___ __ Utter’s Dairy _________ Temp.___2.6____°C FIPS # ___42-995________ Department Notification: Test Kit Lot # Test Method(s) Used Laboratory ID # ___109________ Phone __ Fax X___ Email ___ __42-399___________ Date _2__/_4__/_14__ __Charm SL________ Time _3__:_00__am/pm Expiration Date Printout (enclosed): Reported By: _J. W_________ _________________ Who contacted_M. Hydock__ ______5/2014____ Yes No Comments: Samples Received: Date: _2_/_4_/_14_ Time: _1__:_30__am/pm Temp. : _2.5___ o C. Analyst Initials _SM___ Samples Tested: Date: _2_/_4_/_14_ Time: _2__:_00__am/pm Temp. : _2.3___ o C. Analyst Initials _SM__ PRODUCER TRACE-BACK INFORMATION TEST RESULTS Result Interpretation Sample # FIPS # Producer # Control Results (POS or NF) (#) 1 Positive Control _+1699__________ 42-995 26995 -1459 NF 2 Negative Control __-1544_________ 42-995 26845 -1589 NF 3 42-995 26541 +4239 POS 4 42-995 26854 -1259 NF 5 Charm II Control Point Results 42-995 56771 -2095 NF Control Point __________ Date Established__________ Positive ______ Negative ______ (Average) + _______ -- ________ Producer Confirmation Positive Producer(s) DUPLICATE RESULTS (number / interpretation) __+4369___/___POS________ __+4254__/__POS__________ Positive Control __+1854_________ Negative Control __-1584_________ CERTIFIED ANALYST / SUPERVISOR Sam Marshal / James Williams____________________ DATE ______2/4/14___________ **A COPY OF BFSLS-477 MUST ACCOMPANY THIS REPORT AND BE SENT WITHIN 48 HOURS OF TRACE-BACK RESULTS. A COPY MUST BE KEPT ON FILE AT THE CONFIRMATORY LOCATION.

  18. Please email QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS to mhydock@pa.gov


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