cloud computing trends

Cloud Computing: Trends & Opportunities Dr. B.B Prahlada Rao - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cloud Computing: Trends & Opportunities Dr. B.B Prahlada Rao 19 Oct 2013 2 nd NKN Workshop @ IISc Centre for Development of Advanced Computing C-DAC Bangalore, India 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 1

  1. Cloud Computing: Trends & Opportunities Dr. B.B Prahlada Rao 19 Oct 2013 2 nd NKN Workshop @ IISc Centre for Development of Advanced Computing C-DAC Bangalore, India 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 1

  2. Presentation Plan • Introduction to Cloud computing o Evolution of Technologiees: Computing, Networking o Definitions Cloud Computing o Characteristics of Cloud Computing • Scientific Clouds • C-DAC Cloud Initiatives • Government Clouds • Clouds -IOT • Sensor Clouds • Conclusions 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 2

  3. 2013 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 3 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013

  4. Definitions- Cloud Computing • Cloud Comp is a style of computing, where massively scalable IT related capabilities are provided ‘ as a service ’ across the Internet to multiple external customers . ….. Gartner – It means Cloud should deliver a service on a subscription basis, allow access from anywhere and provide economies of scale. – Cloud will go cross vendor and feature shared resources. Q. Is Cloud a metaphor for the Internet? • Cloud computing is an evolution of the Internet computing or usage of the Internet as a computing infrastructure & resource. CC is used to provide services such as Data Storage, Software Applications, and email and file exchanges • CC is Ubiquitous network access • CC promised infinite elastic computing resources. 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 4

  5. Cloud Computing ? 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 5

  6. Cloud Computing………… Trends Cloud Comp- NKN Ref No: 11 WS 2013

  7. Cloud Computing………… Trends Cloud Comp- NKN Ref No: 11 WS 2013

  8. The Next Revolution in IT? Classical Computing Cloud Computing – Buy & Own – Subscribe – Use It Hardware, SystemSW, Applications: to meet peak needs. Every 18 months? – Install, Configure, Test, Verify, Evaluate – Manage – .. – $ - Pay for what you use, – Finally, use it based on QoS – $$$$....$(High CapEx) – No CapEx , Only OpEx 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 8

  9. New IT Trends • Ownership -> Leasing Model – Infrastructure, platform, applications • PC -> Internet Data Center – Building applications for a single user  large number of concurrent consumers • Web 2.0 & Virtualisation – Building 3 rd party IT services by composing multiple independent services 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 9

  10. Evolution of Cloud Computing Cloud Computing SaaS Computing  Next-Generation Utility Computing  Network-based Internet Grid Computing subscriptions computing  Offer Comput.  Next-Generation to applications  Solving large resources as  Gained Data Centers problems with Metered momentum Parallel Comp. Service in 2001  Made  Introduced in Main Stream late 1990s by Global Alliance Trends Cloud Comp- NKN Ref No: 6 WS 2013

  11. Promised Benefits of Public Clouds • No upfront infrastructure investment – No procuring hardware, setup, hosting, power, etc • On demand access – Lease what you need and when you need • Efficient Resource Allocation – Globally shared infrastructure, can always be kept busy by serving users from different time zones/regions. • Nice Pricing – Based on Usage, QoS, Supply and Demand, Loyalty • Application Acceleration – Parallelism for large-scale data analysis, what-if scenarios studies • Highly Availability, Scalable, and Energy Efficient • Supports Creation of 3 rd Party Services & Seamless offering – Builds on infrastructure and follows similar Business model as Cloud Trends Cloud Comp- 19 Oct 2013 11 NKN WS 2013

  12. Inside Cloud User Corporate Interface Pricing Pricing Storage VM Network Monitoring Provisioning Provisioning Provisioning Billing Cloud Middleware Accounting Virtual Resources Physical Resources 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 12

  13. Cloud Architecture Cloud Applications: User level Social computing, Enterprise, ISV, Scientific, CDNs, ... Autonomic / Cloud Economy Cloud programming: environments and tools User-Level Adaptive Management Middleware Web 2.0 Interfaces, Mashups, Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Workflows, Libraries, Scripting Apps Hosting Platforms QoS Negotiation, Admission Control, Pricing, SLA Management, Monitoring, Execution Management, Metering, Accounting, Billing Core Middleware Virtual Machine (VM), VM Management and Deployment Cloud resources System level 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 13

  14. Cloud Anatomy Three models based on the type of service offered to the user Application Services (Services on Demand) Gmail, GoogleCalender Payroll, HR, CRM etc Sugarm CRM, IBM Lotus Live Platform Services (Resources on Demand) Middleware, Integration, Messaging, Information, connectivity etc AWS, IBM Virtual images, Boomi, CastIron, Google App engine Infrastructure as services ( Physical Assets) IBM BlueHouse, VMWare, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Sun Parascale … 14 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 19 Oct 2013

  15. Cloud Deployment Models Private/Enterprise Public/Internet Hybrid/Mixed Clouds Clouds Clouds 3rd party, Mixed usage of Cloud computing multi-tenant Cloud private and public model run infrastructure Clouds: within a company’s & services: Leasing public own Data Center / cloud services infrastructure for * available on when private cloud internal and/or subscription basis capacity is partners use. Trends Cloud Comp- NKN (pay as you go) insufficient WS 2013

  16. Technology Components for Cloud Infrastructure Technology Components : • Virtualization • Provisioning Automation and Scheduling • SLA Management – Computing, Storage and Network latencies /bandwidths • Billing and Charging • Data-Center Power/ Cooling/ Space 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 16

  17. Traditional Arch. Vs Virtualization Arch. Virtual Architecture Traditional Architecture • • Many OS to one server One OS on one Server • • Separation between SW and HW Tightly coupled HW and SW • • Many applications on one server One Application on One Server • • Typical load on server is 80 – 95% Typical load on server is 5 – 15 % • Dynamically optimized resources App App App App App App Operating System OS OS OS Hardware Hypervisor Traditional Stack Hardware Virtualized Stack 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 17

  18. Hypervisors • Most Important Component. • Thin Layer Software • Allow Multiple OS’s to run Concurrently . • Dynamically Partitioning and Sharing the physical resources such as CPU, storage, memory and I/O devices. • Abstracts the Hardware from the VM’s. Control Network Virt Hypercall Interface Interrupts I/O Virt Scheduler CPU Virt MMU Virt Hypervisor Components 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 18

  19. Cloud Middleware Cloud Middleware A software used to integrate services, applications and content available on the cloud. Key Features: Management and monitoring Resource Scheduler Data management Identity / security management Service hosting, mediation and management User interfaces and portals Billing and metering 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 19

  20. Cloud Applications • Scientific/Tech Applications • Business Applications • Consumer/Social Applications Science and Technical Applications Business Applications 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 20 Consumer/Social Applications

  21. Scientific Clouds 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 21

  22. Penguin Computing (POD) • Provides HPC on Demand • Powered by Scyld Cloud Management Platform. • Storage System is based on the distributed open-source storage system Ceph which supports file-based, block-based and object- based storage. • Management of Virtual Servers leverages OpenStack (O pen-Source solution ) for creating and managing virtual servers in a cloud environment Benefits: • Ease of use: Compute resources are available immediately • True HPC technology Including GPUs, low-latency interconnects, and a non-virtualized compute stack • Multiple PODs: Different environments for different industry needs 19 Oct 2013 Trends Cloud Comp- NKN WS 2013 22


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