c o m pa n y p r e s e n tat i o n introduction of cermaq

C O M PA N Y P R E S E N TAT I O N Introduction of Cermaq - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C O M PA N Y P R E S E N TAT I O N Introduction of Cermaq September.2018 Cermaq snapshot > 2 mill 173 300 1,2 billion Tons*** Revenue in USD Daily salmon meals Key figures (Financial year 2017**) 3 3000 100% owned by Employees*

  1. C O M PA N Y P R E S E N TAT I O N

  2. Introduction of Cermaq September.2018

  3. Cermaq snapshot > 2 mill 173 300 1,2 billion Tons*** Revenue in USD Daily salmon meals Key figures (Financial year 2017**) 3 3000 100% owned by Employees* #3 global salmon farmer Mitsubishi Corporation * Permanent employees **April 2017-March 2018 *** Gutted weight sold (GWE)

  4. Our Tide of Transformation 2014 1995 2013 2005 1996 2000 Acquired by Mitsubishi Sale of Established as a Listed on Oslo Entering fish feed Take over of EWOS Corporation and EWOS state owned grain Stock Exchange industry and entering fish delisted from OSE monopoly farming Today Cermaq is globally #3 in salmon farming and set for further growth

  5. Operational structure 50+560 250 employees employees Cermaq Global Oslo, Norway US Cermaq Cermaq Cermaq Cermaq Canada Norway Chile US 7 Campbell employees Steigen, Puerto Miami River, Norway 3000 Montt, Chile Canada US employees >2000 Employees (perm)

  6. Leading position in three production regions # 3 in Canada SALES : 21 300 tons # 2 in Chile SALES : 97 000 tons # 4 in Norway SALES : 55 000 tons # 3 globally SALES : 173 300 tons Source: 2017 figures from Kontali and Cermaq financial year, gutted weight sold (gwe)

  7. Our value chain from egg to market Breeding Sales & logistics On shore Harvesting/ processing Seawater Yes 3 51 3 Yes 4 27 2 (1) Yes 16 123 5 (1) (contracted)

  8. Cermaq Canada – in pristine British Columbia British Columbia Vancouver Island (BC) ▪ 28 licenses ▪ 4 freshwater sites ▪ 1 processing plant, ▪ 21 300 1 contracted processing plant ▪ Head office: Campbell River Tons * Employees: 250 *Financial year, April 2017-March 2018, gutted weight (gwe)

  9. Cermaq Norway - north of the Arctic circle Finnmark Nordland Finnmark ▪ 28 licenses ▪ 1 processing plant Arctic circle ▪ Administration: Alta Nordland ▪ 23 licenses ▪ 4 freshwater sites ▪ 1 processing plants ▪ Administration: Steigen 55 000 Oslo: Management and sales office Tons* Employees: 560 *Financial year, April 2017-March 2018, gutted weight (gwe)

  10. Cermaq Chile – all the way to Patagonia Employees: >2 000 (permanent) VII: Región del Maule ▪ 1 fresh water site IX: Región de la Araucanía ▪ 3 fresh water sites VII XIV: Región de Los Ríos IX ▪ 2 fresh water sites X: Región de Los Lagos XIV ▪ 81 Sea Water Licenses ▪ 9 fresh water sites X ▪ 4 processing plants ▪ Head office: Puerto Montt XI: Región Aysén XI ▪ 25 Sea Water Licenses 97 000 XII: Región de Magallanes Tons * ▪ XII 17 Sea Water Licenses ▪ 1 fresh water site ▪ contracted processing *Financial year, April 2017-March 2018, gutted weight (gwe)

  11. Strong production portfolio in Chile Chinquihue, commodity to VAP, BAP, ASC Quemchi, commodity to VAP, BAP, ASC Ancud, VAP (portions,Smoked), BAP, ASC Torres del Paine, commodity, ASC 11

  12. Our products in Chie Region X Region XII Quemchi Torres del Paine Chinquihue Ancud Whole fish Whole fish Whole fish H&G H&G H&G Trim C-F Trim C-F Trim C-D Scale off Scale off Skin on/off Skin on/off Skin on/off Portions Portions Portions Cold/Hot Smoked 12

  13. Certification and Endorsement in Chile ▪ All the products from region XII are ASC certified. ▪ Cermaq is working towards BAP 4 star certification. Factory Farm Hatchery Feed Mill Our suppliers are certified 3 10 7 - 4 8 - ASC Norway 18 sites, Canada 9 sites Cermaq Canada is BAP 4 star supplier 13

  14. Our strategy towards customer orientation Customer’s Choice Cermaq will be the preferred global supplier of sustainable salmon OPERATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY CUSTOMER PEOPLE LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP Values and Leadership principles

  15. Our focus areas - where we have the most impact Thriving People Responsible Healthy and Climate oceans leadership production nutritious action food Biodiversity Safety & workplace Value chain approach Adaption Biosecurity Community relations Certifications Emissions Product quality Blue economy Human rights Beyond compliance Innovation Fish health & welfare Feed ingredients 15

  16. Our approach Transparency – Partnership – Performance • PARTNERSHIP SeaBOS TRANSPARENCY PERFORMANCE Innovate and deliver on UN’s #1 in Seafood Intelligence Transparency Benchmark 2017 sustainable development goals 16

  17. #1 in transparency* 17 *Among 100 global seafood companies, Seafood Intelligence 2017; #1 Salmon farming company 2017, 2015, 2014

  18. Substantial integrated R&D activities 1 2 3 4 Our R&D ensures continuous progress within our priority areas: Fish health Technology Genetics Nutrition and and welfare and breeding feeding Central R&D R&D licenses Fish Health Arctic research Reseach facility Research Group center Application in Colaco, Chile and lab in for development Bergen, Norway licenses: iFarm

  19. iFarm – Sustainable aquaculture 19

  20. Quality control in every step of the value chain Third party certifications confirm the quality of our products and production processes and assure our customers a safe choice OHSAS 1801 : ISO 9001 : ISO 22000 : ISO 14001: Occupational Quality Food safety Environmental health & safety management management management management

  21. Thank you for your attention


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