bl o o ming t o n co mmunit y cent er needs assessment


BL O O MING T O N CO MMUNIT Y CENT ER NEEDS ASSESSMENT C REEKSIDE C O MMUNIT Y C ENT ER | BLO O MING T O N, MINNESO T A | APRIL 27, 2015 Sta ke ho ld e rs a nd De sig n T e a m Ne e d s Asse ssme nt Pro c e ss C re e ksid


  2. ► Sta ke ho ld e rs a nd De sig n T e a m ► Ne e d s Asse ssme nt Pro c e ss ► C re e ksid e Eva lua tio n ► Ma rke t Ana lysis ► Re c o mme nd e d p ro g ra m ► C o st e stima te ► Ne xt ste p s AG ENDA

  3. City of Blooming ton De sig n/ Consulta nts Dia nn Kirb y Na nc y Bla nkfa rd , AIA ► ► C o mmunity Se rvic e s Dire c to r HG A Arc hite c ts a nd Eng ine e rs – Princ ip a l, ► ► Pro je c t Ma na g e r Ra nd y Q ua le ► Emilie Ko p p ► Ma na g e r o f Pa rks & Re c re a tio n ► HG A Arc hite c ts a nd Eng ine e rs - Inte rn ► G re g Bo a tma n ► Je ff King ► Assist. Ma na g e r o f Pa rks & Re c . ► Ba lla rd *King - C o nsulta nt ► L o rind a Pe a rso n ► Vic to r Pe c ha ty, AIA ► Ma na g e r o f Huma n Se rvic e s ► HG A Arc hite c ts a nd Eng ine e rs – De sig n ► T ra c y Smith ► Princ ip a l Ad ministra tive C o o rd ina to r fo r ► Ma rk Mc Do na ld ► Huma n Se rvic e s HG A Arc hite c ts a nd Eng ine e rs – C o st ► Jim Eile r ► Estima ting Ma inte na nc e Sup e rinte nd e nt ► Bo nnie Pa ulse n ► Pub lic He a lth Ad ministra tio n ► ST AKEHO L DERS & DESIG N T EAM

  4. Community Input Sta ke holde rs L o a ve s a nd Fishe s Blo o ming to n Athle tic Asso c ia tio n ► ► Se nio r C o mmunity Se rvic e s Blo o ming to n Yo uth So c c e r ► ► Mo to r Ve hic le s T ra ve ling Ba se b a ll ► ► Blo o ming to n Unite d fo r Yo uth Blo o ming to n Pub lic Sc ho o ls ► ► Mid we st Pic kle b a ll Yo uth L a c ro sse ► ► Fa stp itc h C re e ksid e se nio r le a d e rs ► ► ST AKEHO L DERS & DESIG N T EAM

  5. Community Input Sta ke holde rs C a thy Ma e s, Lo a ve s & Fishe s Ro g e r Ko la nd , C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► De b Ho g e r, Se nio r C o mmunity Se rvic e s Ma c k Siro is, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Kim G riffith, Mo to r Ve hic le s Le nn La c he r, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Ja ne t Le wis, Mo to r Ve hic le s Dia ne Rile y, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Jing Jing Ze ng , Blo o ming to n Unite d fo r Yo uth Alic e O lso n, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Mic ha e l Re inha rd t, Blo o ming to n Unite d fo r Sa nd y Lund e e n, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Yo uth Ma rylo u Nilso n, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► T o m Ring d a l, Blo o ming to n Unite d fo r Yo uth ► Mic he lle Kissing e r, C re e ksid e C o mmunity ► Ric ha rd C a rte r, Mid we st Pic kle b a ll C e nte r ► T im Fo rb y. Blo o ming to n Yo uth So c c e r Arline Ja ke ma n, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Ka re n Jo hnso n, Fa stp itc h Lind a Ne lso n, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Ma rk Pe a rso n, Fa stp itc h Je rry O lso n, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Wa yne Ha e g , Blo o ming to n Athle tic Asso c ia tio n Ma ry We ntz, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ► Jo hn He lme r, T ra ve ling Ba se b a ll Be ve rle y T sc hump e r, C re e ksid e C o mmunity ► ► C e nte r Do ug La ng e fe ls, Blo o ming to n Pub lic Sc ho o ls ► Sha ro n Be c kle r, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► Jim Mc C a rthy, Yo uth La c ro sse ► G le nn Ne lso n, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► C he ryl Ste p ne y, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► Ja c k Withe rb y, C re e ksid e C o mmunity C e nte r ► ST AKEHO L DERS & DESIG N T EAM

  6. Ne e ds Asse ssme nt Proc e ss




  10. ► T o b uild a nd re ne w c o mmunity b y p ro vid ing se rvic e s, p ro mo ting re ne wa l a nd g uid ing g ro wth ► Pro mo te the fun a nd vita lity o f c o mmunity life ► Sha p e future ra the r tha n re a c ting ► Pro vid e o ur c hild re n with o p p o rtunitie s BL O O MING T O N CO MPREHENSIVE PL AN

  11. ► A Blooming ton Community Ce nte r is… ► A p la c e fo r g a the ring ► C o mfo rta b le a nd we lc o ming ► Huma n se rvic e s fo c use d ► Inte g ra te s c o mmunitie s ► Fo r multi-e c o no mic use rs ► Fo r multi-g e ne ra tio na l use rs ► Fo r multi-c ultura l use rs CO MMUNIT Y CENT ER VISIO N

  12. Existing Cre e kside Eva lua tion



  15. ► Wha t’s working we ll ► T hriving so c ia l o p p o rtunitie s fo r se nio rs ► Vo lunte e r le d p ro g ra m o ffe rs wa ys to g ive b a c k ► Wha t ne e ds improve me nt ► Ina d e q ua te sp a c e to c o nd uc t p ro g ra ms ► Minima l fle xib ility to mo d ify ro o ms ► Sig nific a nt c o st to me e t c o d e a nd still no t me e t ne e d s EXIST ING CREEKSIDE CO MMUNIT Y CENT ER

  16. ► Construc tion Cost to improve Cre e kside $4,295,336 ► Ke y up g ra d e s: ► Ne w HVAC ► Wind o w re p la c e me nt ► Re stro o m a d d itio n ► Ne w e le c tric a l d istrib utio n p a ne l ► Ne w p a rking lo t a nd c urb s CREEKSIDE REPAIRS CO ST EST IMAT E

  17. Ma rke t Ana lysis

  18. Service Area

  19. Median Age 2010 2014 2019 Census Projectio Projectio n n City of Bloomington 42.8 43.4 44.1 Secondary Service 40.7 41.4 42.3 Area State of Minnesota 37.3 37.9 38.5 Nationally 37.1 37.7 38.2 46 44 42 40 Age 38.2 37.7 37.1 38 36 34 32 2010 2014 2019 City of Bloomington Secondary Service Area State of Minnesota National

  20. Median HH Income 2014 2019 Estimate Projection City of Bloomington $61,129 $73,520 Secondary Service $62,959 $75,597 Area State of Minnesota $58,634 $68,448 Nationally $52,076 $59,599 $80,000 $70,000 $59,599 Median HH Income $52,076 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 2014 2019 City of Bloomington Secondary Service Area State of Minnesota National

  21. Cost Of Housing Index City of Bloomington SPI Average Amount Percen Spent t Housing 117 $24,464.68 30.8% Shelter 118 $18,886.95 23.8% Utilities, Fuel, Public 113 $5,577.73 7.0% Service Entertainment & 116 $3,751.84 4.7% Recreation State of Minnesota SPI Average Amount Percen Spent t Housing 108 $22,542.30 30.0% Shelter 107 $17,167.93 22.9% Utilities, Fuel, Public 109 $5,374.37 7.2% Service Entertainment & 111 $3,595.85 4.8% Recreation

  22. Age Distribution Ages Populatio % of Nat. Differenc n Total Populatio e n -5 4,374 5.1% 6.5% -1.4% 5-17 11,778 14.0% 17.2% -3.2% 18-24 6,407 7.6% 9.8% -2.2% 25-44 21,270 25.1% 26.5% -1.4% 45-54 11,669 13.8% 14.1% -0.3% 55-64 12,292 14.5% 12.3% +2.2% 65-74 8,565 10.2% 7.5% +2.7% 75+ 8,237 9.7% 6.1% +3.6% Ages 2010 2014 2019 Percent Percent Census Projecti Projecti Change Change on on Nat’l -5 4,505 4,374 4,584 +1.8% +4.7% 5-17 11,858 11,778 12,185 +2.8% +1.8% 18-24 6,485 6,407 6,040 -6.9% -2.4% 25-44 20,843 21,270 22,196 +6.5% +10.4% 45-54 12,762 11,669 10,764 -15.7% -6.2% 55-64 11,222 12,292 13,112 +16.8% +13.7% 65-74 7,502 8,565 10,110 +34.8% +32.9% 75+ 7,716 8,237 9,288 +20.4% +9.5%

  23. Participation Activity Average 2010 2014 2019 Differen Part. Part. Part. ce Estimates Aerobic 15.3% 11,732 12,012 12,544 +812 Baseball 4.4% 3,372 3,452 3,605 +233 Basketball 9.0% 6,877 7,042 7,353 +476 Cheerleading 1.4% 1,034 1,059 1,105 +72 Exercise Walking 34.5% 26,417 27,048 28,244 +1,827 Exercise w/ Equipment 19.4% 14,850 15,205 15,877 +1,027 Football (tackle) 2.5% 1,906 1,951 2,038 +132 Gymnastics 1.8% 1,404 1,437 1,501 +97 Hockey (ice) 1.2% 926 948 990 +64 Lacrosse 0.7% 540 553 577 +37 Running/Jogging 14.8% 1,311 1,342 1,401 +91 Soccer 4.7% 3,579 3,665 3,827 +248 Softball 3.6% 2,790 2,857 2,983 +193 Swimming 16.1% 12,324 12,619 13,177 +853 Tennis 4.4% 3,357 3,438 3,590 +232 Volleyball 3.5% 2,712 2,777 2,899 +188 Weight Lifting 11.2% 8,563 8,767 9,155 +592 Workout @ Clubs 11.6% 8,864 9,075 9,477 +613 Wrestling 1.0% 782 801 836 +54 Yoga 9.0% 6,874 7,038 7,349 +475

  24. Sport Nat’l Nat’l Primary Primary Participation Service Service Area Rank Activity (in millions) Area % Participation Ranking Exercise Walking 1 96.3 1 34.5% Exercising w/ Equipment 2 53.1 2 19.4% Swimming 3 45.5 3 16.1% Aerobic Exercising 4 44.1 4 15.3% Running/Jogging 5 42.0 5 14.8% Workout @ Club 10 34.1 6 11.6% Weightlifting 11 31.2 7 11.2% Yoga 13 25.9 8 9.0% Basketball 14 25.5 8 9.0% Soccer 20 12.9 10 4.7% Tennis 21 12.6 11 4.4% Baseball 23 11.7 11 4.4% Volleyball 24 10.1 14 3.5% Softball 25 10.0 13 3.6% Football (tackle) 32 7.5 15 2.5% Gymnastics 39 5.1 16 1.8% Cheerleading 45 3.5 17 1.4% Hockey (ice) 46 3.4 18 1.2% Wrestling 48 3.1 19 1.0% Lacrosse 49 2.8 20 0.7%

  25. Activity Sport/Activity 2013 2004 Percent Participation Participation Change Yoga 25.9 6.3 +311.1% Trend Wrestling 3.1 1.3 +138.5% Lacrosse 2.8 1.2 +133.3% Running/Jogging 42.0 24.7 +70.0% Aerobic Exercising 44.1 29.5 +49.5% Hockey (ice) 3.5 2.4 +45.8% Tennis 12.6 9.6 +31.3% Gymnastics 5.1 3.9 +30.8% Weightlifting 31.3 26.2 +19.5% Exercise Walking 96.3 84.7 +13.7% Workout @ Club 34.1 31.8 +7.2% Exercising w/ Equipment 53.1 52.2 +1.7% Soccer 12.8 13.3 -3.8% Volleyball 10.1 10.8 -6.5% Basketball 25.5 27.8 -8.3% Football (tackle) 7.5 8.2 -8.5% Cheerleading 3.5 4.1 -14.6% Swimming 45.5 53.4 -14.8% Softball 10.0 12.5 -20.0% Baseball 11.7 15.9 -26.4%

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