b brain injuries change lives i i j i ch li survivors s

B Brain Injuries Change Lives i I j i Ch Li Survivorss Ink Dr. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

B Brain Injuries Change Lives i I j i Ch Li Survivorss Ink Dr. Janet Stumbo Key Points Key Points 25 years of follow up data 25 years of follow up data Brain injuries required me to reinvent myself Many moves: Victoria and

  1. B Brain Injuries Change Lives i I j i Ch Li Survivors’s Ink Dr. Janet Stumbo

  2. Key Points Key Points • 25 years of follow up data 25 years of follow up data • Brain injuries required me to reinvent myself • Many moves: – Victoria and ACT in Australia – California and Washington State in the US • 17 years of doing VT daily

  3. Time Line of Events Time Line of Events • June 26, 1984 – MVA – Head Trauma ‐ head Ju e 6, 98 ead au a ead trauma: optic nerve damage, amnesia, and extensive damage to (R)occipital, parietal, temporal, & frontal lobes l f l l b • July 1984 ‐ First VA measures at Royal Canberra H Hospital it l • March 1987 – 1 st referral to behavioural optometry optometry – begin VT begin VT • July 1992 – VA improves to 20/20 (6/6) for 1 st time time.

  4. VA Measure (x/2 20) 100 150 200 250 50 0 Jul ‐ 84 J D ec ‐ 84 M ay ‐ 85 Oct ‐ 85 O M ar ‐ 86 Au ug ‐ 86 Ja an ‐ 87 Ju un ‐ 87 No ov ‐ 87 Change of Visual Acuity over Time A Apr ‐ 88 Se ep ‐ 88 Fe eb ‐ 89 J Jul ‐ 89 D ec ‐ 89 M ay ‐ 90 O Oct ‐ 90 M ar ‐ 91 Au ug ‐ 91 Ja an ‐ 92 Ju un ‐ 92 No ov ‐ 92 A Apr ‐ 93 Se ep ‐ 93 Fe eb ‐ 94 Jul ‐ 94 J D ec ‐ 94 M ay ‐ 95 Oct ‐ 95 O M ar ‐ 96 VA ‐ OS VA ‐ OD

  5. I write I write my story

  6. Thank you. Thank you. Publications by Janet Stumbo: Stumbo, Janet. 2007. “Disability & Leadership”, Community Business Review: Social Compass, Issue St b J t 2007 “Di bilit & L d hi ” C it B i R i S i l C I • 2, November 2007. Ria Strong, Janet Stumbo, Geoff Tresise, Neil Blenkiron, and John Wakefield. 2000. “Livingwith brain • injury: Five Survivors Speak”. Disability Studies Quarterly Summer (2000). 20(3): 259 ‐ 263. Stumbo, Janet. 2000. “The Shadow of Death”: in Bone of my Bone. Helen Annand, Ed. Bendigo, • Victoria. i i Stumbo, Janet. “A Story of Courage and Determination”. Coleidoscope. Official publication of Rotary • District 9800. March 1999. Stumbo, Dr. Janet A., 1998. Endless Journey. Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc. Santa • Ana. 2nd edition. 2006 Stumbo, J.A., 1987. “A suspected case of Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 encephalomyelitis”. Australian • Vet. Journal. 64(11): 350. York, G.K., Arth, C., Stumbo, J.A., Cross, C.E. and Mustafa, M.G. 1973. “Effects of cigarette smoke • and tobacco extract on lung macrophage respiration”. Arch.Environ.Health.27:96 ‐ 8. Janet Stumbo Tom Worsnop & Cath McNamara “Developing Community Participation: an ABI Janet Stumbo, Tom Worsnop & Cath McNamara. Developing Community Participation: an ABI • perspective”. 2009. Victorian Coalition of ABI Service Providers (VCASP) in Intellectual Disability Policy Roundtable.


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