argonne chicago foste r m cs a nl gov grid com puting

ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a Grid Com puting Ia n Foste - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Grid Co m pu tin g : Re s o u rce S h a rin g a n d Co o rdin a te d Pro ble m G S o lv in g in S ca la ble Dis tribu te d Co m m u n itie s Grid com puting te chnologie s e na ble controlle d re source sha ring in G distribute d com m

  1. Grid Co m pu tin g : Re s o u rce S h a rin g a n d Co o rdin a te d Pro ble m G S o lv in g in S ca la ble Dis tribu te d Co m m u n itie s Grid com puting te chnologie s e na ble controlle d re source sha ring in G distribute d com m unitie s a nd the coordina te d use of those sha re d re source s a s com m unity m e m be rs ta ckle com m on goa ls. The se te chnologie s include ne w protocols, se rvice s, a nd APIs for se cure re source a cce ss, re source m a na ge m e nt, fa ult de te ction, com m unica tion, a nd so forth, tha t in te rm e na ble ne w a pplica tion conce pts such a s virtua l da ta , sm a rt instrum e nts, colla bora tive de sign spa ce s, a nd m e ta com puta tions. In this ta lk, we re vie w a pplica tions tha t a re m otiva ting wide spre a d inte re st in Grid conce pts within the scie ntific a nd e ngine e ring com m unitie s. The n, we de scribe the Globus Grid a rchite cture tha t ha s be e n a dopte d by m a ny Grid proje cts, focusing in pa rticula r on our se curity, re source m a na ge m e nt, a nd da ta m a na ge m e nt te chnologie s. ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  2. Grid Com puting Ia n Foste r Ma the m a tics a nd Com pute r Scie nce Division Argonne Na tiona l La bora tory De pa rtm e nt of Com pute r Scie nce The Unive rsity of Chica go Ca rl Ke sse lm a n Inform a tion Scie nce s Institute Unive rsity of Southe rn Ca lifornia

  3. Ove rvie w Grid com puting conce pt G Grid te chnica l la ndsca pe G Da ta grids & da ta grid proje cts G ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  4. The Grid Conce pt

  5. The Grid: The We b on Ste roids ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  6. The Grid: The We b on Ste roids http: / / We b: Uniform a cce ss to HTML docum e nts http: / / ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  7. The Grid: The We b on Ste roids http: / / We b: Uniform a cce ss to HTML docum e nts http: / / Grid: Fle xible , high-pe rf a cce ss to a ll significa nt re source s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  8. The Grid: The We b on Ste roids http: / / We b: Uniform a cce ss to HTML docum e nts http: / / Grid: Fle xible , high-pe rf a cce ss to a ll significa nt re source s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  9. The Grid: The We b on Ste roids http: / / We b: Uniform a cce ss to HTML docum e nts http: / / Softwa re ca ta logs Grid: Fle xible , Com pute rs high-pe rf a cce ss Se nsor to a ll significa nt ne ts re source s Colle a gue s Da ta a rchive s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  10. The Grid: The We b on Ste roids http: / / We b: Uniform a cce ss to HTML docum e nts http: / / Softwa re ca ta logs Grid: Fle xible , Com pute rs high-pe rf a cce ss Se nsor to a ll significa nt ne ts re source s Colle a gue s Da ta a rchive s On-de m and cre ation of pow e rful virtual com puting syste m s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  11. Grid Com puting: Ta ke 2 G Ena ble com m unitie s (“virtua l orga niza tions”) to sha re ge ogra phica lly distribute d re source s a s the y pursue com m on goa ls—in the a bse nce of ce ntra l control, om niscie nce , trust re la tionships G Via inve stiga tions of – Ne w a pplica tions tha t be com e possible whe n re source s ca n be sha re d in a coordina te d wa y – Protocols, a lgorithm s, pe rsiste nt infra structure to fa cilita te sha ring ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  12. Grid Com m unitie s a nd Applica tions: NSF Na tiona l Te chnology Grid ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  13. Grid Com m unitie s a nd Applica tions: Ne twork for Ea rthqua ke Eng. Sim ula tion G NEESgrid: na tiona l infra structure to couple e a rthqua ke e ngine e rs with e xpe rim e nta l fa cilitie s, da ta ba se s, com pute rs, & e a ch othe r G On-de m a nd a cce ss to e xpe rim e nts, da ta stre a m s, com puting, a rchive s, colla bora tion NEESgrid: Argonne , Michiga n, NCSA, UIUC, USC ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  14. Grid Com m unitie s a nd Applica tions: Ma the m a ticia ns Solve NUG30 G Com m unity= a n inform a l colla bora tion of m a the m a ticia ns a nd com pute r scie ntists G Condor-G de live rs 3.46E8 CPU se conds in 7 da ys (pe a k 1009 proce ssors) in 14,5,28,24,1,3,16,15, U.S. a nd Ita ly (8 site s) 10,9,21,2,4,29,25,22, G Solve s NUG30 qua dra tic 13,26,17,30,6,20,19, a ssignm e nt proble m 8,18,7,27,12,11,23 Me ta NEOS: Argonne , Iowa , Northwe ste rn, Wisconsin ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  15. Grid Com m unitie s a nd Applica tions: Hom e Com pute rs Eva lua te AIDS Drugs G Com m unity = – 1000s of hom e com pute r use rs – Phila nthropic com puting ve ndor (Entropia ) – Re se a rch group (Scripps) G Com m on goa l= a dva nce AIDS re se a rch ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  16. A Little History G Ea rly 90s – Giga bit te stbe ds, m e ta com puting G Mid to la te 90s – Ea rly e xpe rim e nts (e .g., I-WAY), a ca de m ic softwa re proje cts (e .g., Globus), a pplica tion e xpe rim e nts G 2000 – Ma jor a pplica tion com m unitie s e m e rging – Ma jor infra structure de ploym e nts – Rich te chnology ba se – Grid Forum : > 300 pe ople , > 90 orgs, 11 countrie s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  17. Te chnica l La ndsca pe

  18. Grid Te chnica l Cha lle nge s: Sha ring, Coordina te d Use G Ne w proble m solving m e thods a nd tools – Da ta , com puting, colla bora tion, se nsors, … G Num e rous cross-cutting te chnica l proble m s – Authe ntica tion, a uthoriza tion, policy, a udit; re source discove ry, a cce ss, a lloca tion, control; fa ilure de te ction & re cove ry; broke ring; … ; … G No ce ntra l control, om niscie nce , trust; he nce – Ne e d to pre se rve loca l site inde pe nde nce – Policy discove ry a nd ne gotia tion im porta nt – Myria d inte re sting fa ilure m ode s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  19. How Are Cross-Cutting Te chnica l Issue s Addre sse d? G De ve lopm e nt of Grid protocols & se rvice s – Protocol-m e dia te d a cce ss to re m ote re source s – Ne w se rvice s: e .g., re source broke ring – “On the Grid” = spe a k Inte rgrid protocols – Mostly (e xte nsions to) e xisting protocols G De ve lopm e nt of Grid APIs & SDKs – Fa cilita te a pplica tion de ve lopm e nt by supplying highe r-le ve l a bstra ctions G The (huge ly succe ssful) m ode l is the Inte rne t G The Grid is not a distribute d OS! ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  20. La ye re d Grid Archite cture (By Ana logy to Inte rne t Archite cture ) ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  21. La ye re d Grid Archite cture (By Ana logy to Inte rne t Archite cture ) “Controlling things loca lly”: Acce ss Fa bric to, & control of, re source s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  22. La ye re d Grid Archite cture (By Ana logy to Inte rne t Archite cture ) “Ta lking to things”: com m unica tion Conne ctivity (Inte rne t protocols) & se curity “Controlling things loca lly”: Acce ss Fa bric to, & control of, re source s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  23. La ye re d Grid Archite cture (By Ana logy to Inte rne t Archite cture ) “Sha ring single re source s”: Re source ne gotia ting a cce ss, controlling use “Ta lking to things”: com m unica tion Conne ctivity (Inte rne t protocols) & se curity “Controlling things loca lly”: Acce ss Fa bric to, & control of, re source s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  24. La ye re d Grid Archite cture (By Ana logy to Inte rne t Archite cture ) “Ma na ging m ultiple re source s”: Colle ctive ubiquitous infra structure se rvice s “Sha ring single re source s”: Re source ne gotia ting a cce ss, controlling use “Ta lking to things”: com m unica tion Conne ctivity (Inte rne t protocols) & se curity “Controlling things loca lly”: Acce ss Fa bric to, & control of, re source s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  25. La ye re d Grid Archite cture (By Ana logy to Inte rne t Archite cture ) “Spe cia lize d se rvice s”: use r- or Use r a ppln-spe cific distribute d se rvice s “Ma na ging m ultiple re source s”: Colle ctive ubiquitous infra structure se rvice s “Sha ring single re source s”: Re source ne gotia ting a cce ss, controlling use “Ta lking to things”: com m unica tion Conne ctivity (Inte rne t protocols) & se curity “Controlling things loca lly”: Acce ss Fa bric to, & control of, re source s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

  26. La ye re d Grid Archite cture (By Ana logy to Inte rne t Archite cture ) Applica tion “Spe cia lize d se rvice s”: use r- or Use r a ppln-spe cific distribute d se rvice s “Ma na ging m ultiple re source s”: Colle ctive ubiquitous infra structure se rvice s “Sha ring single re source s”: Re source ne gotia ting a cce ss, controlling use “Ta lking to things”: com m unica tion Conne ctivity (Inte rne t protocols) & se curity “Controlling things loca lly”: Acce ss Fa bric to, & control of, re source s ARGONNE ! CHICAGO foste r@m cs.a

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