annual general meeting

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING John Chen, Executive Chairman & CEO June - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING John Chen, Executive Chairman & CEO June 20 th , 2018 OUR VISION A connected world, in which you are safe and your data is yours OUR MISSION To be the worlds leading provider of end-to-end mobility solutions that

  1. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING John Chen, Executive Chairman & CEO June 20 th , 2018

  2. OUR VISION A connected world, in which you are safe and your data is yours OUR MISSION To be the world’s leading provider of end-to-end mobility solutions that are the most secure and trusted OUR VALUE PROPOSITION BlackBerry provides the secure and trusted foundation for the Enterprise of Things

  3. OUR STRATEGY Four synergistic growth engines, delivering the most secure and comprehensive Enterprise of Things (EoT) Endpoint management 1 Embedded software 2 Appliances 3 Technology & IP licensing 4

  4. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING We delivered on our FY18 promises $967M Deliver total non-GAAP revenue between $900M to $950M ü Deliver non-GAAP operating profit every quarter Grow software billings at or faster than the market rate 15.1% Deliver non-GAAP software revenue growth between 10% to 15% 14% Deliver positive non-GAAP EPS $0.14 Deliver positive free cash flow* $47M Increase market reach & ecosystem engagement (ISV partners growth) 25% *Before considering the costs related to restructuring and transition from the hardware business as well as the net impact of arbitration awards and damages

  5. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING Record breaking financial achievements Softw are and Services ($M ) G ro s s M a rg in (N o n -G A A P ) $782 8 0 0 $687 8 0 % L ic e n s in g , IP 7 0 0 & O th e r 7 0 % 75% $530 6 0 0 6 0 % 62% B T S 5 0 0 5 0 % 4 0 0 4 0 % 46% E n te rp ris e 3 0 0 3 0 % 2 0 0 2 0 % 1 0 0 1 0 % 0 0 % F Y 1 6 F Y 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 6 F Y 1 7 F Y 1 8 3-year CAGR 15% 2,900 Basis Points Improvement Record software & services Record non-GAAP gross margin revenue ($782M) (75%)

  6. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING Growth in shareholder value Q u a lc o m m p a r tn e r s h ip e x p a n s io n $14. 00 A G M & E a r n in g s E a r n in g s & N T D lic e n s in g d e a l F e d R A M P la u n c h $13. 00 T e le tr y lic e n s in g d e a l S e c S U IT E N IA P c e r tifie d T a ta w in $12. 00 D e lp h i w in Q u a lc o m m a w a r d $11. 00 J a r v is la u n c h $10. 00 D e n s o w in B a id u w in $9. 00 G D P R s e r v ic e s la u n c h e d $8. 00 B L U lic e n s in g d e a l T im e x lic e n s in g d e a l E a r n in g s $7. 00 BB: 76% GROWTH YOY E a r n in g s $6. 00 Feb- 17 M ar - 17 A pr - 17 M ay- 17 Jun- 17 Jul - 17 A ug- 17 S ep- 17 O ct - 17 N ov- 17 D ec- 17 Jan- 18 Feb- 18 Nasdaq Composite: 23% growth YoY NYSE Composite: 9% growth YoY

  7. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING Expanded reach in all operating segments in FY18 Endpoint Management (referenceable wins in FY18)

  8. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING Expanded reach in all operating segments in FY18 Embedded Software & Asset Tracking (referenceable wins in FY18) Technology & IP Licensing (referenceable wins in FY18)

  9. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING Expanded & engaged the ecosystem CUSTOMERS 100% of F100 largest media & Over 120 Million cars 100% of F100 largest commercial entertainment companies banks 7/G7 governments 89% of F100 medical 100% of F100 largest aerospace 16/G20 governments companies & defense companies 77% of F100 insurance companies

  10. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING Expanded & engaged the ecosystem GO TO MARKET Channels Developers Engagement 32% YoY growth in enterprise 25% YoY growth in ISV partners 167% growth in BlackBerry channels Security Summit attendance 29% YoY growth in BlackBerry 18% YoY growth in BTS channels enterprise apps marketplace BlackBerry Analyst Day sold-out Expansion of reach into new 2.6M BlackBerry Dynamics apps First BlackBerry Secure world industries including construction, licenses tour robotics & subsea

  11. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING Our security & mobility leadership is recognized by the industry Named BlackBerry the highest scoring vendor in all six Named BlackBerry the highest scoring vendor in workforce categories of their critical capabilities for high-security productivity & centralized content protection , in their mobility management report content collaboration critical capabilities report Named BlackBerry a leader in their Market Guide for Named BlackBerry a leader in their Magic Quadrant for Information-Centric Endpoint & Mobile Protection . EMM Suites . BlackBerry is the only vendor with positive movement in both vision & ability to execute BlackBerry is the only vendor they recognized in all eight categories with a single-platform offering

  12. OUR STRATEGY IS WORKING Our security & mobility strategy is industry acclaimed J. Gold Associates In FY18, Google named BlackBerry an “BlackBerry has completed a difficult “BlackBerry is establishing its position as “Enterprise Recommended” vendor. strategy pivot while delivering improving a broad level supplier for security financial performance. BlackBerry is capabilities for the future of the Enterprise considered a leader.” of Things.” “Enhanced by solid execution BlackBerry “Software & services is BlackBerry’s “BlackBerry’s work is key to making is now the posterchild for how to pivot to future. And it looks like a bright one.” Canada a go-to source for self-driving car success.” software.”

  13. WE ARE WELL POSITIONED FOR GROWTH The Enterprise of Things era is upon us … M O ST O F THE SPEND O N ‘THING S’ W ILL BE IN THE NUM BER O F CO NNECTED ‘THING S’ IS G RO W ING RAPIDLY … EO T ... Connected Things Exabytes data By 2021 By 2020 51.5B 52,000 C o n s u m e r E o T $1.29T by 2020 56% CAG R 51% CAG R … & SECURITY IS THE #1 TECHNICAL BARRIER TO SUCCESS Sources: Juniper Research, McKinsey Global Institute, IDC, Gartner

  14. INNOVATION TO EXTEND OUR LEADERSHIP The BlackBerry Secure EoT Platform UEM UI Vertical Solutions Partner/ISV Apps • C onnected C ar • S ecure m anufacturing (A sset M anagem ent) • R ental C ar A pp • P redictive M aintenance • H ealth C onnect • F actory A utom ation A pp • C onnected F actory • S tatic A pplication S ecurity T esting (S A S T ) • F leet M anagem ent A pp • R adar • C onnected G overnm ent • H ospital A pp BlackBerry Intelligent EoT PaaS Cloud Services Backend Services Secure End Point Management (UEM) Secure Collaboration (BBMe, Dynamics) Intelligent Security (AI) • E oT P rovisioning S ervice • S ecurity C redential M anagem ent S ystem Secure Data Transfer (NOC, BSCP) Identity Management (EID) Certicom (CA) • B lockchain S ervice • T ransportation M anagem ent S ystem s Organizational Connectivity (AtHoC) Secure Connectivity (BSCP) Event Processing • A nalytics S ervice • R ental M anagem ent • A uditing S ervice • F actory A utom ation • F irm w are M anagem ent • Intelligent F leet M anagem ent • R em ote M onitoring • H ospital M anagem ent • A pplication M anagem ent • O T A S ervice BlackBerry Secured Things Internet of Things Secure Embedded Software Safety certified for mission critical apps OTA, V2X, Telematics Cluster & Infotainment platforms Managed PKI authentication Gateway platform FIPS certified toolkits ADAS platform Static binary code scan Cloud AW S IoT Azure IoT

  15. FY19 THEMES In FY19 we will continue to make progress towards our mission of a securely mobilized and connected world CONTINUE TO DELIVER DOUBLE DIGITS BILLINGS GROWTH IN SOFTWARE & SERVICES DELIVER FULL YEAR NON-GAAP PROFITABILITY DELIVER A SINGLE, COMPREHENSIVE, SECURE, EOT SYSTEM POSITIVE FREE CASH FLOW FOR THE FISCAL YEAR* *Before considering the costs related to restructuring and legal proceedings


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