3 ish dentists

3 (ish) Dentists -18 Employees -Bread and Butter Dentistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

3 (ish) Dentists -18 Employees -Bread and Butter Dentistry Emotional Dentistry Advanced Dentistry Satisfaction LEADERSHIP TECHNOLOGY Time General WINNING TEAM Dentistry LIFELONG Money EDUCATION START WITH WHY Prank War Workflow

  1. 3 (ish) Dentists -18 Employees -Bread and Butter Dentistry

  2. Emotional Dentistry Advanced Dentistry Satisfaction LEADERSHIP TECHNOLOGY Time General WINNING TEAM Dentistry LIFELONG Money EDUCATION


  4. Prank War

  5. Workflow Success Awareness Diagnosis Treatment Financials www.3d-dentists.com Fin

  6. Snoring

  7. Normal Breathing

  8. OSA Complete or partial obstruction of the airway

  9. Apnea

  10. Breathe!

  11. Snoring

  12. AHI Apnea-Hypopnea Index Apneas + Hypopneas/ # of hours slept <5 normal 5-15 mild 15-30 moderate >30 severe

  13. Epidemiology 17-20% of adults 1 in 4 men and 1 in 50% over the age have OSA 10 women of 50 More prevalent than Up to 80-90% Incidence become = in men and diabetes or asthma remain undiagnosed women at menopause age

  14. Undiagnosed Diagnosed d e t a e r T y l l u f s s e c c u S 80%-90% Up to

  15. Workflow Success Awareness www.3d-dentists.com Fin

  16. Hypertension • Acid Reflux • Anti-depressants • Diabetes Type II • Heart Conditions • Overweight •

  17. Workflow Success Awareness Diagnosis www.3d-dentists.com Fin

  18. AASM Practice Parameters American Academy of Sleep study and/or Sleep Medicine 2005 recommendation from MD Presence or absence of OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) must be determined before initiating treatment to diagnose and to provide a baseline


  20. PSG (Polysomnography) An overnight sleep study in a hospital or lab setting Can study all sleep disorders

  21. PSG (Polysomnography) Minimum of 12 channels and 22 wire leads

  22. PSG (Polysomnography) Technician assisted and read by a sleep physician The Gold Standard

  23. PSG

  24. Workflow Success Awareness Diagnosis Financials www.3d-dentists.com Fin

  25. Codes: G47.33 E0486 ICD-10— International Classifications of Diseases Diagnosis Codes- G47.33 CPT Codes- Current E0486 vs. E0485 Evaluations Procedural Terminology Considered DME- Durable Medical Equipment

  26. You will need 1) Medical claim form printing- CMS 1500 as a paper claim or 
 electronic claim- Cannot be hand-written 2) ICD diagnosis code made by a physician from the sleep study 3) The sleep study with the diagnosis of OSA from a sleep MD 4) CPT codes (E0486, exam codes, etc) 5) SOAP reports and narratives that the patient was seen by you 
 and is an appropriate candidate for OAT 6) C-PAP Intolerance Form 7) An order (or prescription) for the oral appliance signed by a 
 physician or healthcare provider (MD, DO, ARNP, PA-C)

  27. Workflow Success Awareness Diagnosis Treatment Financials www.3d-dentists.com Fin

  28. Surgery

  29. C-PAP

  30. OAT (Oral appliance therapy)

  31. Oral Appliances What Do I Choose?

  32. Discovery

  33. Treatment

  34. Calibration Now a 5!

  35. www.joinsleep101.com erinelliottdds@gmail.com www.3d-dentists.com fb: erin elliottdds twitter: @erinelliottdds insty: @erinelliottdds linkedin: Dr. Erin Elliott

  36. www.3d-dentists.com/dsn June 14–15 Raleigh, NC Sept 20–21 San Diego Sleep Apnea Implementation www.3d-dentists.com Fin


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