1 interprofessional collaboration

1 Interprofessional Collaboration Primary care is the central - PDF document

Created in 2005 Why this Forum? The European Forum for Primary Care is situated at the NIVEL institute in the Dissemination of expertise and knowledge on Netherlands. Primary Care systems Board members from Belgium, UK, Support

  1. Created in 2005 Why this Forum?  The European Forum for Primary Care is situated at the NIVEL institute in the  Dissemination of expertise and knowledge on Netherlands. Primary Care systems  Board members from Belgium, UK,  Support to members for implementation Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Greece, Latvia, etc  To show the key principles of the World Health Report 2008: “Primary Health Care Now More Than Ever”!! • universal coverage (focus of the WHR 2010) • service delivery Membership network • public policy  Membership • leadership  And its relevance in relation to the WHO/Europe (110 institutional & 45 individual members) emphasis on Health System initiated at the Members from the 3 levels: Policy, Research & Practice Tallinn 2008 Ministerial conference on "Health  Membership is multi-professional Systems, Health and Wealth” Quality of primary care: messages for The patient perspective the third millenium as a starting point Community Oriented Primary Care for service delivery! Includes the following values:  Accessibility  Continuity of care  Coordination of care  Comprehensiveness of services Advocacy for Integrated and Community Oriented Primary Care including Interprofessional Collaboration (IpC) Investing in sustainable health systems combines innovative reforms aimed at improving cost-efficiency and reconciling fiscal consolidation targets with the continued provision of sufficient levels of public services. Health 2020 –reaching higher and broader: Page 5: "using financial incentives to encourage patients to • Going upstream to address root causes such as social register with a general practitioner (GP) or family doctor determinants and using a referral system to define a cost-effective • Invest in public health, primary care, health protection and path of care: from GP, to outpatient specialist, to promotion, and disease prevention hospital, to emergency care, while encouraging patients • Making the case for whole-of-government and whole-of- to have less recourse to unnecessary care and society approaches emergency services;" • Offering a framework for integrated and coherent Suggested measures for Investing in Sustainable Health interventions Systems two clear recommendations for Member States: • Reducing the unnecessary use of specialists and hospital care Health 2020: a new European policy framework for health and well-being; Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for • Improving primary healthcare services Europe, 20 March 2013, Riga, Latvia “Investing in Health - Key Messages”, ; European Commission, DG Health and Consumers; February 2013 . 1

  2. Interprofessional Collaboration Primary care is the central pillar of health care. The European Observatory: Accessibility of vulnerable increasingly complex health needs of the population and individual patients in a changing society can groups is key, Primary Care is key! only be met by promoting interprofessional collaboration (IpC) within primary care teams. Prof Alan Maynard, University of York: “the re-distribution of income & power of health professionals is key to create solutions for the Improving interprofessional collaboration in primary care: Position Paper of the European Forum for Primary Care future” WHO Oslo conference 17-18 April 2013, Health Systems in Times of Global Economic Crisis All presenting health ministers of Greece, Ireland Public consultation on the preliminary opinion on and Wales started with the need to invest in the ‘Definition of a frame of reference in Primary Care relation to primary care with a special emphasis on financing systems and referral systems’ “Chronic Diseases closely related with low SES; EU Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health (EXPH); need for investment in Human Resources April 2014 instead of expensive sophisticated technology” stated clearly by EFPC  Extended Deadline to respond: 18 May 2014 “EU Summit on Chronic Diseases; European Commission, DG Health and Consumers; April 2014 . http://ec.europa.eu/health/expert_panel/consultations/primaryca re_en.htm In this respect Primary Care gets a lot of attention and is seen by Policy Makers as well • “Although it is widely acknowledged that the complex health as Researchers as an area with enormous problems of chronically ill and elderly persons require care potential. provision across organisational and professional boundaries, achieving widespread multidisciplinary co-operation in primary care has proven problematic.” It is up to the Primary Care providers to make the case Can we make sense of multidisciplinary co-operation in primary care by considering routines and rules? Arianne M.J. Elissen MSc, Arno J.A. van Raak PhD and Aggie T.G. In order to achieve this, the different professional Paulus PhD; Health and Social Care in the Community (2011) 19(1), 33–42 groups should share their interests and strive together for a strong Primary Care movement! Why is it so difficult!? But “Can we make sense of Because it is deeply rooted in the educational system, causing distrust and subsequently income and power multidisciplinary co-operation in primary inequalities! care”? 2

  3. Recommendations for Action: Interprofessional Education (IpE) Getting the Most out of Interprofessional • Occasions when two or more professions learn from, Primary Health Care Teams with and about each other to improve collaboration and the The Conference Board of Canada, March 2014 quality of care . With 9 recommendations: Development of IPE within Australian universities and jurisdictions has been: localised, opportunistic, adaptive and • mandate high-quality interprofessional creative, but existing on the margins of the curriculum; education and training for all health minimally resourced and, as a consequence frequently professionals to support the development and unsustainable; fragmented both within and across universities mastering of the core competencies of and the higher education sector; and, without mechanisms to interprofessional collaboration share information, share learning, develop research and build knowledge and capacity. The Interprofessional Curriculum Renewal Consortium, Australia (2013) Interprofessional Education: a National Audit. Report to http://www.conferenceboard.ca/e-library/abstract.aspx?did=5988 Health Workforce Australia What is the reason why this educational system fails to educate Primary Care professionals in a more collaborative way? Promotion of interprofessional and transprofessional education that breaks down Working collaboratively is not something you can learn  technically, professional silos while enhancing collaborative and You need to practice IpC from the first year onwards, non-hierarchical relationships in effective teams.  You need to feel the added value of practicing together,  And the most important: you have to find your peers, crossing  Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to professional boundaries, during your basic vocational training! strengthen health systems in an interdependent world • Prof Julio Frenk et al “Being able to work effectively as members of clinical teams during studentship is seen as a fundamental part of learning” Interprofessional Education Collaborative (2011) Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: report of an expert panel. Interprofessional Education Collaborative: Washington, DC. Solutions to be found in: Institute of Medicine’s Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education  New thinking within national/international professional associations  Aims to apply an ongoing, multi-national, multi- disciplinary approach to exploring promising innovations in health education.  New thinking within educational institutions  The IOM Forum brings together stakeholders “The establishment of national health and higher from a variety of disciplines and sectors to education cross-sectoral mechanisms and engage in dialogue and discussion to illuminate arrangements through which national IPE/IPL contemporary issues in health professional leadership and coordination can be developed” education. Recommendation from the ‘Learning and Teaching for InterProfessional Practice (L-TIPP) project http://www.iom.edu/Activities/Global/InnovationHealthProfEducation .aspx 3


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