1 08 2012

1/08/2012 Augmented Reality How Does This Technology Fit in the - PDF document

1/08/2012 Augmented Reality How Does This Technology Fit in the Commercial World? Augmented Reality & Virtuality Forum What is Augmented Reality? g y Prof. Bruce H. Thomas Director, Wearable Computer Lab University of South

  1. 1/08/2012 Augmented Reality – How Does This Technology Fit in the Commercial World? Augmented Reality & Virtuality Forum What is Augmented Reality? g y Prof. Bruce H. Thomas Director, Wearable Computer Lab University of South Australia Like special effects in movies… Augmented Reality Definition • Defining Characteristics [Azuma 97] – Combines Real and Virtual Images • Both can be seen at the same time – Interactive in real ‐ time • The virtual content can be interacted with – Registered in 3D • Virtual objects appear fixed in space 1

  2. 1/08/2012 Presenting Augmented Reality Augmented Reality Information • Registered virtual information to physical world • Provides extra information • Allows users to see the unseeable Projectors / Spatial Displays Head Worn Displays Handheld Devices • Realtime Augmented Reality Examples 2

  3. 1/08/2012 How Does Augmented Reality Technology How Does Augmented Reality Help? Fit in the Commercial World? • Training • Just in time information • Design • In situ visualisation of data • Manufacturing • Easier to understand information in context of the real world real world • Logistics • Logistics • Medicine • Maintenance Mobile Phone AR 2009 - Outdoor Information Overlay • Mobile phone based • Mobile Phones • Tag real world locations – camera – GPS + Compass input – processor processor – Overlay graphics data on live video – display • Applications • AR on Mobile Phones – Travel guide, Advertising, etc – Simple graphics • Wikitude, Layar, Junaio, Argon, etc.. – Optimized computer vision – Collaborative Interaction – Android based, Public API released 3

  4. 1/08/2012 Layar (www.layar.com) • Location based data – GPS + compass location – Map + camera view p • AR Layers on real world – Customized data – Audio, 3D, 2D content • Easy authoring $784 million USD in 2014 • Android, iPhone Some Commercial AR Companies AR Xray Vision • ARToolworks (http://www.artoolworks.com/) – ARToolKit, FLARToolKit, SDKs • Metaio (http://www.metaio.com/) – Marketing, Industry, SDKs • Total Immersion (http://www.t ‐ immersion.com/) Total Immersion (http://www.t immersion.com/) – Marketing, Theme Parks, AR Experiences • Qualcomm (http://developer.qualcomm.com/dev/augmented ‐ reality) – Mobile AR, QCAR SDK 4

  5. 1/08/2012 How Can You Use AR Today? What Can You Do With AR? Examples • Navigation in the outdoors • Embed manuals in the physical world • Visualise new designs • Visualise virtual artefacts in context of the – Buildings environment – New products • Status information in situ with physical object Status information in situ with physical object • Entertainment • Simulate future capability • Maintenance • Physically and virtual embody future concepts • Visualising GIS infrastructures – Underground pipes • Handheld or projector displays today. Barriers to AR Barriers to AR • Head mounted displays to date have limited • Lack of standards particular applications • Applications have been too complex. – Good news is there are many large companies • Visualisation have been too ambitious. working on this! • Developers fight the current state of the art of • Developers fight the current state of the art of Oakley Plans To technology. Launch Its Own Brand Of AR Glasses id Software co ‐ founder John Carmack plans to package a 3 ‐ D virtual reality headset with special Google Launches editions of the Doom , Augmented Reality to be sold for about $500. Glasses In Beta 5

  6. 1/08/2012 UniSA Holodeck How do you design… • 14m x 8.5m x 4m • 44 Projectors • High Performance Computing Computing • 40 Cameras • Wide area tracking Appliances? • Automatic configuration • External load ‐ in How do you design… How do you design… Appliances? Operating Theatres? Appliances? Operating Theatres? Command and Control Rooms? 6

  7. 1/08/2012 The Problem The Problem Virtual Designs g Design Space Design Space The Problem The Problem Virtual Virtual UniSA Designs g Designs g Holodeck Holodeck Design Space Design Space 7

  8. 1/08/2012 Step One Spatial Augmented Reality in five easy steps t Step Two Step Three 8

  9. 1/08/2012 Step Four Step Five Six Degrees of Freedom (X, Y, Z, Ψ , Θ , Φ ) Command and Control Room Benefits Design • Natural manner for viewing designs • Stakeholder buy ‐ in for major decisions • Early ergonomic measurements • Interactive simulations of new technology • Interactive simulations of new technology 9

  10. 1/08/2012 Questions? http://wearables.unisa.edu.au Bruce.Thomas@unisa.edu.au 10


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