the world s next major nickel province

The Worlds Next Major Nickel Province? Nickel and PGMs Kalahari - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Worlds Next Major Nickel Province? Nickel and PGMs Kalahari Key Ltd Botswana David Ovadia Executive Chairman D i s c l a i m e r The information in this presentation, which does not purport to be comprehensive, has been provided

  1. The World’s Next Major Nickel Province? Nickel and PGMs Kalahari Key Ltd Botswana David Ovadia …… Executive Chairman

  2. D i s c l a i m e r The information in this presentation, which does not purport to be comprehensive, has been provided by Kalahari Key Mineral Exploration Ltd (“KKME” or the “Company”) . The Company does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this presentation or any other written or oral information transmitted or made available to a prospective investor. In particular, but without limitation, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of, and no reliance should be placed on, any future projections, assumptions, targets, estimates, prospects or returns with regard to the anticipated future performance of the Company. No responsibility or liability is accepted by any such person for any errors, misstatements or omission in this presentation or any such document or information. An investor will be required to agree in any subsequent formal agreement connected with an investment in Kalahari Key Mineral Exploration Ltd that he/she has not relied on or been induced to enter into such agreement by any representation warranty or undertaking save as expressly set out in such agreement. The recipient should conduct his/her own investigation of the Company and other information contained in this presentation and should take his/her own professional advice. Neither the receipt of this presentation by any person nor any information made available in connection with the proposed issue of securities in Kalahari Key Mineral Exploration Ltd by the Company constitutes, or is to be taken as constituting, the giving of any legal, financial, taxation, investment or other advice by the Company. In particular, prospective investors should inform themselves as to: (a) the legal requirements within their own countries for the purchase, holding, transfer or other disposal of an investment in KKME; (b) any foreign exchange restrictions applicable to the purchase, holding, transfer and/or other disposal of an investment in KKME which they might encounter; and (c) the income and other tax consequences which may apply in their own countries as a result of the purchase, holding, transfer or other disposal of an investment in KKME. Prospective investors must rely upon their own legal advisers, accountants and other financial advisers as to legal tax, investment or any other related matters concerning the Company and any investment therein. 2

  3. 5 m i n u t e s - 3 q u e s t i o n s 1 Why Nickel? 2 Why Botswana? 3 Why Kalahari Key? 3

  4. W h y N i c k e l ? 4

  5. W h y N i c k e l ?  5.1 million BEVs in 2018; growing by >2m per year. (Source: International Energy Agency)  Battery manufacturers reducing cobalt in battery cells; nickel consumption rises.  Nickel demand expected to increase up to 19 times as under-construction lithium-ion production facilities come online. (Source: Mineral Intelligence)  Supply shortfall by 2022 of 190,000 tonnes / Source: year. (Source: Wood Mackenzie) 5

  6. Nickel production in tonnes metal W h y B o t s w a n a ? content (2017): World Total 2,098,000 Indonesia 339,000  Stable, democratic country Philippines 315,000  British based legal system Russia 221,000  Low on corruption index New Caledonia 215,000  Good infrastructure Canada 214,000  Experienced work force from Australia 179,000 extensive mining sector China 105,000  Need for global diversification source: BGS World Mineral Statistics 6

  7. W h y K a la h a r i K e y ?  Science led Company; Dr Roger Key and Dr Andy Moore supported by World class team  Heli TDEM 17 targets; ground SQUID and gravity confirmed 11 conductive drill ready targets  Geological model indicates Voisey Bay type feeder zone 7

  8. In te r e s te d in in v e s tin g in K a la h a r i K e y ?  Drilling in Q2 2020  Pre-IPO opportunities  Highly prospective  We have 11 targets indicating multiple zones of mineralisation, similar to Voisey Bay multiple ore bodies  Voisey Bay sold for $4.3bn in 1996 Talk to us in booth JM10 8


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